Sunday, October 26, 2003

Jericho: Creative Drives

Fertilizer is a good thing.

I have been spreading the compost around for a week or more now. Wallowing in the fact that my creative juices have seemed to dry up. I don't have time. I don't have the gumption. Waah!

However, for whatever reason, some creative things are suddenly happening for me. I am pulling together a project that I have been thinking about for a while - I'll pass on details when there are some to pass. (Think: $20 of cheap action figures and modeling dough ... ) Max and I are pulling another project together - again, details as they become available. Then, there is IWDC, week three of very frequent blogging is in the Archives! I love this Blogger jazz!

Now if my job doesn't go off the deep end and if I can keep my attention focused long enough to make these projects happen, I might be in good shape. We'll see.


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