Sunday, October 12, 2003

Jericho: I don't wanna go to bed!

Remember when you were a kid and you would fight with your parents about going to bed? You didn't want to go! You would refuse to go, deny you were tired whilst yawning. It was a nightly big deal with a lot of drama.

Then, you were a teen-ager and you stayed up well past your bed time. You fell asleep in class but you never fell asleep before Letterman or SNL. They recently did a study that says teens require more sleep. Some school districts have started their classes later to compensate. (Wouldn't it be great if everyone's job started two hours later to give ADULTS more sleep? Starbuck's would go out of business!)

Then, in your twenties, you stayed up all night. You partied or watched all night movie fests or just failed to go to sleep. I got in the habit of waking up at 3 PMish and hitting the sack, when I actually went to bed, at 6 AMish. I was still living at home, my mother didn't see me awake for nearly a year!

Then, somewhere in my late twenties or so, I gave up missing out on sleep. The term "sleep-debt" came into my vocabulary from somewhere. At some point going to bed at midnight faded into going to bed at elevenish then tenish then anything after ten seemed like I was doing something wrong, knowing I would pay for my sin of sleeplessness.

Why the hell did this happen to me? It not like sleep is any fun any more. I used to love to sleep. I thought dreaming was so cool. Now, sleeping is just a slight break between life and more life. It's almost useless anyway. Most mornings I wake up more tired than when I went to bed. It's like throwing away six to eight hours. I watch my caffeine intake - I don't drink any in the afternoon or evening so that I will be tired at bed time. If I'm not too tired, I'll drink a big glass of milk for the tryptophan. There was a big serotonin craze a few years ago - I didn't participate in that, but I may start. People go to all kinds of extremes for better sleep.

When I was a kid I slept great, but I always fought my bedtime. Today, I sleep like crap and I plan my day around my sleep schedule. Hmmmm .......

Either way, I'm off to bed now. I have to get up early for the gym.


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