Thursday, October 09, 2003

Jericho: InAdSense

As some of you know, I have always hoped to make IWDC more than just another blog. We have two writers, we do celebrity interviews, we have fiction and other features. We aren't the ordinary blog - or so I thought.

Before the change to Blogger here, the IWDC main page was adorned with various forms of advertisement. We still have a few, but you may have noticed the lack of Amazon ads. I was hoping to attract a new advertiser, Google. Google runs a service called Ad Sense. Instead of the typical banner ads, they run text messages in the same banner spaces. The ads are cost per click, everytime someone clicks one, the publishers get some money - pennies, but they add up. For a publisher, there is only one better type of ad and those are impossible to get unless you get thousands of hits a minute. Ad Sense ads are all over the place these days, surf enough and you'll run into some.

So, I applied to Google. However, they felt that IWDC is just another personal site. In other words, not worth their time and a waste of their client's money.

I've worked for coming up on two years on this site. It may not be evident - but it's been pretty hard work. I know it will never make me rich, it will never give me a living wage. I've always hoped to spend whatever money comes in on advertising to get more readers - just to spread the love. I must admit - this hurts.

So, I guess we'll have to attract thousands of readers the hard way: Daily Content.


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