Friday, October 17, 2003

Jericho: When it rains ...

Max is obviously having a bad time of it, but I found some other bad news from a friend that has me rather concerned. My friend, Anita, may have ovarian cancer. I just found out about this yesterday.

As some of you are aware, Anita and I dated several years ago. Wow, it's been nearly six years! She introduced me to on-line journaling and blogging. She helped me write my first HTML codes. She is my digital goddess.

This stuff scares the beejesus out of me. I know that most cancer is at least curable. Some have it once, it's caught early and they never have to deal with it again. Some deal with it for a few years and it's over. More and more people survive cancer every year and the percentages keep getting better. But - well, there is always a "but" ...

I feel like I'm bringing this back to me, but, I don't want to start losing friends. I'm too young for that - and so are my friends! It's not fair. Anita started to sound like she was really happy. I couldn't make her happy, but Jack has and does. They have just been married a year. It's totally unfair.

I really hope she doesn't read this. I'm sure it will depress her. I shouldn't publish this.

Anita, Jack, if you guys read this, Steph and I are hoping for you. We wish you the best of luck. If you need anything; house sitting, food, general companionship, give us a call. All of the IWDC readers will keep you in their thoughts, I'm sure.

Geez. Yeah, that wasn't depressing ...


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