Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Max: A True Story of Small Courage

There was this softdrink company that decided they wanted to paint their logo on the inside of their bottles. To achieve this they hired a tribe of small people, people small enough to fit inside of the bottles and paint the logo. Sanitation was of great importance as they could not very well wash the bottles after the logo was painted. So these tiny people would strip naked, shower and then paint the logo. This was not a problem for the tiny people as they knew neither lust nor shame. So these tiny, shameless people painted logos on the inside of bottle with toxic paint. There is no need to fear, as the chemical properties of the softdrink did not leach any toxins from the paint. If one were to put pure water in the bottle, the water would wash off the toxic paint. One of the kindhearted tiny people realized this and wanted to warn the public. His greedy corporate masters refused. So, even though the tiny people are almost always loyal to their masters, he took it upon himself to paint a warning along with the logo. However, though the tiny people speak English, they have their own written language which is unknown outside of their number and is too small for us to read anyway. So this warning appeared to all non tinies as a decorative flourish. The softdrink makers were so pleased with this flourish that they rewarded the tiny whistle blower. He thought he was being rewarded for his courage and honesty, behavior which is considered essential among the tiny people. He humbly refused the reward. And so it goes.


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