Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Max: Fuck the Pre-Post-Gutenberg Publishers

I had a thought last week. For once it was not a thought about how far my life is from where I want it to be. It wasn't a thought about all the opportunities I have wasted over the years. It was actually a though about something I could do to maybe make my life better. And outside of potentially being a colossal waste of time, it won't make it much worse.

Cory Doctorow is one of many people who think that the modern publishing system and overbroad copyright protections are working against both writers and readers. He isn't sure what might make for a better replacement, but instead of just botching about it, he is experimenting with solutions. One potential solution he is experimenting with is releasing his novels for free online. You can read his book in part or in whole for free before deciding to pay money for it. Of course, you can read it and never pay a cent for it. But maybe you will go buy it after hearing about this odd little experiment when you might not have heard about it at all otherwise.

I thought I might take his experiment one step further and bypass traditional publication completely. I could try to write something I consider worthy of other people's time. I could set up a website, or use this one, to publish it in a few electronic formats. I could, like Doctorow, release people to share these electronic versions on their websites, on Usenet, or where ever they want, without requiring them to pay. They will have the right also to change the file format to whatever they choose. They just won't be able to change the text of the file or sell it or otherwise use it to make money without my permission. I could include links in the text to paypal or some similar site where readers, if they are of a mind, can go to pay me a dollar, or $.50 , or whatever, if they think the book is worth. I can set up a Cafe Press, or some similar, shop where those who are so inclined can buy hard copies.

Of course, this would mean a major change in myself, my life and my attitude. I would have to find the headspace where I could let go of my job and school and other such distractions, or better yet turn them into material. This would mean getting over my self indulgent self pity. It would mean trying to find at least some regular time, whether every day or every weekend, to write. And it would mean having the discipline carry through, to proofread my own work and to make something that I would be proud to have my name on.

If I do it, maybe I will be remembered as a pioneer. Or maybe I will be remembered as another schmuck who bought into the wrong hype. Or maybe I won't be remembered at all. If I don't know for a fact that the only option will be the latter.


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