Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Max: Max Found Alive, Despite Best Efforts

Yeah, yeah. I've been busy.

A few months ago Laura and I decided to take up biking. We are both somewhat overweight and way out of shape and biking seemed like a fun, low impact way of trying to reverse that. Plus, Laura's parents were taking up biking as well so it would prove to be good excuse to hang out with them. So, we got a couple of cheap bikes, a couple of dorky helmets and various other biking knick knacks and hit the trails.

After a ride one week, Laura's parents mentioned that a house down the street from theirs in the county was about to be put up for sale. Laura has been keen to find a new house since about 2 days after we bought this one. She has hated living in the city, has hated living on the second floor of our two family, has hated the small yard. Me, I don't much care where we live. I would not mind quieter neighbors. I would not mind not living on the second floor. All I really care about is having a reasonably comfortable place to live in a decent neighborhood that won't impoverish us. So, off and on we have gone looking for a house that will meet those needs. Years of searching had brought us no luck. But we were always keen to try so we gave this place a look.

The house was twice the size of ours, the back yard was bigger than the entire lot our current house sits on. It was at the high end of our price range, but still within it. And it was in good enough shape to move into and live comfortably, but rough enough to give Laura an excuse to go HGTV and personalize it to her little hearts content. Even Laura's dad was excited about it. So, we put a deposit down to keep the owners from selling it to someone else and set about selling this house.

On the recommendation of my parents, we hired a certain realtor whom I should name for the good of the public at large. Big mistake. He gave us bad advice from the start and let us get ourselves into a position where we were at the mercy of a single buyer. He was one of the first people to look at the house and he offered us what looked like a great deal at time. It was only after we had turned everyone one else away that he started to nickel and dime us to a shitty deal that came well short of what we considered our minimum. Our realtor who put us a the mercy of this schmuck did nothing to help. That is unless you consider ignoring us, insulting our intelligence and occasionally find the time to remind us that we are indeed screwed to be help.

It is almost over. Next week the give up this house, move to our new one and get on with our so called lives.

That is what has been occupying the few moments I have had away from work this past month.

In other news, I was recently informed that I was accepted to attend Victor Wooten's Bass Nature Camp. It is nice to occasionally get some good news.


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