Saturday, November 20, 2004

Jericho: A Thousand and One Irate Nights

Okay, so, I'm late with this. But, close has always been on target here at IWDC!

If you look at the bottom of this page, there is a little planet picture. That pic leads off to our tracking service. It tells me that we have been tracking the number of visitors to our site for 1005 days. That's right, we have been filling the Internet with Irate goodness for over a thousand days.

I have to say I couldn't be happier with this site. Max and I have kept at this project longer than any other we have shared. Our loyal readers have stuck by us and cheered us on. We've had highs and lows, but we have always come back. And so have our readers. We love you all and thank you for sticking around.

In February, we officially turn three years old. Appropriate. But, I couldn't let this milestone pass without remark. Here's to another thousand!


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