Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Max: Bloody Hell

The majority, a slim majority is still a majority, has voted Shrub back in. The majority has voted for four years of radical right wing demagoguery. The majority voted for four years of attempts to enshrine homophobia in the Constitution. The majority voted for four more years of shifting the tax burden from the rich to the middle and lower classes, while shifting government benefits from the poor and middle class to the rich. The environment will be gutted. ANWR will be raped for every drop of oil in it. The rest of the world can expect to receive a firm middle finger from the idiot in chief as he expands his war on the Infidels. Say, does anyone feel a draft? Shrub will probably name at least 3 new Justices to the Supreme Court; good, godly, christian Justices who feel the bible trumps the Bill of Rights and with whom we will have to live for decades. Medical cost will skyrocket. Wages will sink. Jobs will be shipped abroad. The rich will get richer and the poor will get savaged. Science will be shunted aside in favor of faith based "reality". Karl Rove have proven that nothing sways votes like well crafted lies and probably gets a rock hard boner every time he thinks about it.

Maybe I am wrong. A miracle could happen. But it is unlikely. That is why they are called "miracles" instead of "everyday annoyances".



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