Friday, December 10, 2004

Jericho: Concerns of a Stripper

I'm sure that I have previously mentioned that I have been working on a web comic strip for quite sometime now. My intention is to launch the darned thing on January 1st. As it stands, I have 50 finished strips and about ten more in the works. I plan to put up the strip five days a week.

The strip is all photos of some cheap action figures and other toys that I've found at outlet and dollar stores. The story line chronicles the adventures of a guy who has adventures and does stuff - sure, it doesn't sound very interesting, but the laughs generated by my crappy photography will be huge!

Okay, fine, I just don't want to give anything away. You all will get a chance to read it soon enough. I will say that those of us that grew up in the 80's watching cartoons and buying action figures might get more laughs than others. You all are my target audience.

My biggest worry in doing this comic is just staying with it. You all know how bad I am about updating this site. And, as I said in my last entry, my job has just gotten more and more intense as I've gone along. I'm sure I mentioned before that I used to draw a different web comic, but I stopped doing that comic due to the stress of my previous job and the demands of this job when I got it. I have grown to just hate doing anything half-way. I want to make a go of this comic, make it something to be proud of. I'm not even happy that I'm only doing the strip five days a week, all the best strips do seven a week. I just don't have the time. It's taken me a year to get the strips I have.

It sounds stupid, even to me, to start a web comic with 50 strips that took a year to write and hope to be able to keep going. But, those strips put me out to just about three months from now. In the last three or so months, I've gotten pretty good at my process. My hope is that I can keep up and maybe even increase my production as I go along. I guess we'll see. I could end up with a lot of missed strips very quickly. The writing doesn't take a lot of work, the photography doesn't take a lot of work, the Photoshop work is pretty simple, it's when you combine all of that time that it suddenly adds up.

In the end, I think this project is going to be a load of fun and I can't wait to put up the site. That's the great thing about this project, it's taken me a year to get here, and I've dropped the project twice, but I just keep coming back to it. I get easily excited about it and want to keep working on it. And when I am working on it, I spend half the time laughing myself silly. I also have an excuse to be a thirty year old man buying and playing with toys! I'm worried about failure, but my successes with it make me simply giddy.

I'll update as soon as there is more to say. The domain will get purchased sometime next week. Wish me luck.


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