Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Jericho: Stuff

I figured out how Hillary Clinton could win the presidency in 2008. Her running mate should be black. Male or female doesn't matter. They should be competent and black. The disenfranchised will feel like they finally have someone to vote for! No longer will we have to decide between the lesser of lessers. What a change that would be, huh? Of course, if Arnold runs ...

There are several methods used to fight male pattern baldness. Various drugs, plugs and the one I'm considering, scalp reduction. One of these methods, the micro transplant, moves small bits of skin with only one or two live hairs, from the back of the head to the front. The back of the head doesn't have the same marker to go bald as the front and top. It occurs to me: would cadaver transplants work as well? I don't know about rejection issues, but it would seem that if you had a large amount of donors, you could match tissue fairly easily. This would also be monetarily enticing to the family of the donor. The back of the head isn't shown when the body is on display in the coffin. The donation could result in a monetary return of several thousand dollars, depending on the market. Even white or grey hair would work, as it could be dyed and eventually it will match the natural color of the transplantee. It also seems like it would be a simpler procedure to replace a large flap of skin than trying to build a natural looking hairline with a bunch of micro grafts.

The wrist watch is an amazing instrument. But, what I find more amazing is the acceptance of the watch. No matter where you go on the planet, watches and clocks all look the and act the same. We all operate on a 24 hour clock, each hour has sixty minutes - they tell time the same way in Berlin, Brooklyn or Beijing. We can't agree on one language for the planet, but we all managed to agree that time keeping be conducted with the same devices and the same method. Maybe there is hope for mankind yet.

$25 bucks for 10 gallons of gas! That's the cheap stuff and that's only an average cost. I remember a Bloom County strip where the character in the strip was going insane because gas prices had dropped to $.69 cents a gallon. This would have been in the mid-eighties when everyone still remembered the energy crunch. We didn't listen. In the 70's they started talking about alternate fuels. That was thirty years ago. At the time, we were running out of fossil fuels. Not so any more. Technology improved in the last 30 years. Now they are finding oil in amazing places and drilling for oil in places they couldn't drill thirty years ago with an efficiency that defies belief. They say the price is due to problems in the middle east. Bullshit, I say. There is more oil than ever before. We seem to have a limitless supply. When was the last time you went to a gas station and they were out of gas? Right. Not for twenty plus years. And Bush wants to build more refineries to pump out even more gas - you would think that his fortune and that of his family was based on oil or something! I say that OPEC and the rest are charging what the market will bear. We're dumb enough to pay whatever they demand because we have structured our lives around our cars. A friend of mine has taken the attitude that higher gas prices mean fewer cars on the road, which means less traffic for him - his commute in Orange County is much faster. We are reliving the 50's, 60's and 70's. In the last twenty years, cars have gotten bigger and bigger. Instead of land yachts, we have SUVs. We have more cars per family than people did in the 70's. And now, OPEC has us by the tailpipe. I think that if alternative fuels do actually catch on, we will see gas fall below a dollar a gallon again. They will try to keep us hooked anyway they can. For now, they are going to wring our wallets dry. Have fun America! You made this bed - now go poor in it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Now they are finding oil in amazing places and drilling for oil in places they couldn't drill thirty years ago with an efficiency that defies belief."

Do you realize that some of those places they are drilling are in NATIONAL FORESTS?? Bush has OK'd (or is going to) the destruction of the beautiful wooded areas so that he can become an even richer bastard.

May 04, 2005 4:44 PM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

Bush has never given one square fuck about the environment. Not one iota. If he could come up with a way to auction spotted owls on eBay for his own personal profit, he would.

I hope none of you think that I'm backing the fact that we are drilling for oil in whole new ways. I think fossil fuels are a dead end. Leave them in the ground where they belong.

Everyone is talking about hydrogen. The Hydrogen Economy, blah, blah, blah. But, they don't know where they are going to get the hydrogen - they are actually talking about processing hydrogen from oil! Brilliant! Clean on the road, filthy at the plant! Lovely.

Why are we searching so hard for ways to use hydrogen? Cars run just fine on alcohol. Anybody heard of NASCAR? Every car on that track uses alcohol, not gas. An alcohol burning engine would be simpler than a gas burner and have emitions at hearly undectectable levels. Alcohol engines would have to be able to stand more heat, but in an age where we can produce ceramic engines, and considering that alcohol can be produced from any biomass for sub-pennies a gallon - why the fuck haven't we switched???

May 04, 2005 5:58 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

I think you should laser your hair off and get a smiley face tatooed there.

May 04, 2005 7:36 PM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

Sure, I could put it on the top of my head with the caption: "Enjoying yourself?" :)

May 04, 2005 8:00 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

Or an oversized, 3D, acid-trip technicolor UPC sumbol.

May 05, 2005 7:27 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

I'm going to hell for all the threads I've killed.

May 08, 2005 12:34 PM  

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