Jericho: Mandate!!
We have a mandate from the people, Republicans! One hundred and twenty six votes is one hell of a mandate! How does it feel, right wingers? Suck it!
The two party system should be gutted and rebuilt. Wasington state is a prime example of what I'm talking about. Read this then read this.
The Rep candidate wins by a few dozen votes, the Dem candidate requests a recount. The Dem candidate then comes out on top. The Rep candidate requests a recount because "ballots had been found" *nudge-nudge-wink* - what happens? The Dem candidate comes out further on top and the Rep sues for the next six months and loses.
Should have moved to Canada when it was fashionable ...
The two party system should be gutted and rebuilt. Wasington state is a prime example of what I'm talking about. Read this then read this.
The Rep candidate wins by a few dozen votes, the Dem candidate requests a recount. The Dem candidate then comes out on top. The Rep candidate requests a recount because "ballots had been found" *nudge-nudge-wink* - what happens? The Dem candidate comes out further on top and the Rep sues for the next six months and loses.
Should have moved to Canada when it was fashionable ...
I just wanna know how the HELL you "loose" ballots! That's just fucked up. I mean, what? Did they fall out of the box on the way to the armored truck? Did they thow them in the trash while counting them? I mean... what?!?
At least the Democrat won. I would have voted Green party, most likely.
I consider myself to have a 1 vote mandate to make life as uncomfortable as possible for all right wingers.
This is not the first time in this state that the Republican party has "found" ballots. The Reps "find" ballots in every old folks home and cemetary in the state. And, even with the post-election ballot box stuffing, they still managed to lose. How do you screw that up?
So, Dino Rossi's parting shot? Yeah, he said that he wouldn't take his case to the state supreme court because he couldn't win considering the make up of that body. Is that the dumbest thing you have ever heard? First off, it's a baseless accusation. Secondly, he would have ended up there anyway. If he had won this case, the Dems would have gone to the SC - why fight a case he knows he's going to lose in the SC? Waste many tax-payers dollars, Dino?
My favorite part about all of this boils down to a bumper sticker. A few weeks after Gregoire was declared the winner, I saw a bumper sticker that read "Dino won, The Bitch lies." Wow. That is so wrong and so stupid on so many levels, I don't even know where to begin. I'm glad I wasn't driving, I would have rammed our car into the guy in the hopes I could get him a Darwin Award.
I think it would be cool to have a Governor named Dino. Think of the endless fun you could have just with the Flintstones jokes.
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