Monday, June 06, 2005

Max: Mactel

"Apple will introduce its first Macs using Intel Pentium processors by next June, Jobs told developers here. The company plans to complete its move from its current PowerPC-based computers to Intel-based ones by the end of 2007," according to

Does this mean I may soon be able to load OSX on my new laptop?

And what does our resident Mac freak think of this?


Blogger Jericho Brown said...

CNN was just chock full of great stuff to blog about today - Max beat me to the punch on two of the three I wanted to blog about. The problem was that this was the third one - my hands are shaking so bad I can just barely type this.

Okay, so when there was a such thing as a "Mac Clone" - Apple decided to stop because cheaper parts didn't make a better computer. Quality over quantity.

Then, they came out with OS X, based on Steve Jobs failed product, Open Step, which could run on a typical X86 box. People wanted to know, can we run OS X on any PC? Nope. Apple didn't want to go through the hell Microsoft does trying to support whatever whitebox crap someone threw together. Power PC and the RISC arcitecture was faster, better and rocked the pants off anything from Intel.

Then, Apple dumped Motorola. The RISC chip was developed by IBM, Apple and Motorola. IBM makes Power PCs for high end servers running Linux\UNIX. Motorola makes EVERY telecom chip worth using. Apple was the only one making consumer level products. Linux/UNIX doesn't care about clock cycles, neither does the telecom industry. The only people who care how many times their processor cycles are we dufus consumers, who have been groomed by Intel to think more cycles is better. Faster processors haven't made a damn difference since the 486. But, to a consumer, a 500 Mhz is not as good as a 600 Mhz. Apple couldn't convince Moto to make "faster" chips. IBM was making faster chips. applePod likes profits, so they went with marketing over the superior Moto chips.

Now, I guess they figure they can make cheaper PCs, with "faster" processors, and maybe get more than 5% of the market. However, mark my words, you won't be able to run Mac OS on any Wintel box - Apple has been too proprietary for too long for that to happen. No one wins!

This is shaping up to be the next thing Apple screws up. Apple is known for these epic fuck-ups. I thought they would figure out a way to screw up the iPod. I've been wrong on that point, maybe I'm wrong here. All I do know is that the Macevangelists have been shaken to their cores ...

June 06, 2005 5:20 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

So... you seem pretty cool wth it.

June 07, 2005 8:26 AM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

Fuck you, PC boy! Are you insane?! Apple just commited supuku and I'm about to be thrust into a world with no alternative to Wintel. Choke on your sarcasm! This is the dumbest thing Apple has done since they abandoned the Newton!

On the plus side, I now have ONE HELL of an incentive to get my Unix+ cert.

June 07, 2005 10:07 AM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

If only Jobs could let go some control. I know plenty of midgrade linux heads who would happily load OSX on their laptops instead of struggling to bring linux to heel. Open the source (Darwin) and open the box.

June 07, 2005 2:03 PM  

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