Friday, July 29, 2005

Jericho: The Things He Didn't Say

Nearly two and a half years ago, I wrote what's below. I wrote it in my email program, it has sat, staring at me from my "Draft" folder since then. At the time, my email program was the only text editor I had with a spell checker that wasn't Word. Now, I have about six text editors that can spell check, how the world has changed! However, the world is also very much the same - at probably no point in my time as a blogist has the below been more true. Read at your own risk, try not to take any of it personally ...

Do you know what I spend a lot of time doing on this site? I spend a lot of time out here editing myself. I spend a lot of time NOT saying things I would like to say. I spend a lot of time cutting myself off, correcting myself and rewriting things I said in the moment of passion.

I mean, gods forbid, what if I said something wrong and my employers read it? Or if my family read it? Or, what if my wife read it? What if I pissed them off or broke my NDA and lost my job or hurt someone or ended up divorced? If I misstep here, if I write the wrong series of words at just the right time in just the right way, I could really wipe myself out.

So, why do I do this crap? It's just a big waste of time. I'm not getting paid for this. It's not like I'm risking my life and getting an adrenaline rush here. This isn't REAL writing. I'm just bull-shitting. The fact that we use rough language out here will prevent me from ever getting paid for the work I do here. But, it's real, it's what I want to say. I want to expose myself to the world. I want to stand naked in front of the cyber storm and let it blow through me. I want people to know how I feel and what I think and how the weather is and what color my shirt is and that things are happening. But I don't talk about all of that, no, I edit it. I edit everything. I don't write for this site - I'm just the editor.

I've thought about going out to Blogger and writing a little secret journal just for the odd soul who tripped over it. There, I could say whatever I wanted, anonymously. But, that wouldn't be me, and I couldn't use real names. It would just be me blowing off steam. It would just be that little demon that lives under my brain. He would finally get to come out and say that I really want to ... and I really feel that ... and I really hate ... and I just want to kill ... and I just ....

But, that's not the real me. I'm the Editor. I've been editing all my life. Instead of risking it, I edited those thoughts and took a safer road. I edit what I say, what I do and how I feel.

Sometimes I wish I had nothing to lose. I could say and do as I please. But, who would care? The guy who has nothing to lose is without risk. I had nothing to lose moving out to Seattle, it was easy, I just left. I knew my family, the ones that mattered, would always be there. I knew Max would always be there. If I had been writing this at the time, you wouldn't be reading. I would have been boring. But, you read now hoping that I will lose something. We all watch the car race to see the winners and to watch the losers go up in flames. We may not be willing to admit it, but we all love a good, gorey, twisted metal and smoking bodies screw up, don't we? It sickens us and makes us feel good that we are alive. Maybe it just makes us feel.


Blogger Jericho Brown said...

It's funny. I wrote this post before IWDC went to Blogger. I have a second blog on Blogger that predates IWDC's move to Blogger. I also have an LJ. There isn't much on either blog, I didn't set up either one as a "secret journal". The other Blogger journal was set up so I could help someone set up their own blog - Hello Liz! And the LJ was set up just so I could comment as myself on Live Journal. So, I have three blogs that I neglect. Catch up to that!

July 29, 2005 6:51 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Good job Man, and whatever the case, never fear being yourself. ;)

July 29, 2005 5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You may call it "tactless" but life is SO much easier when you just tell people exactly how you feel and what you're thinking. You never have to cover your tracks or live a lie.

I'm not saying you should be flat out rude to anyone or to break your DNA, but when it comes to your close friends, we can handle the truth. In fact, some (like myself) prefer the truth to a white lie. Maybe I'll be upset at first, but in the end, it's better to know than not to.

August 01, 2005 10:51 AM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

NDA - Non Disclosure Agreement. A lovely little document that I had to sign before I took this job that states that I can't talk about anything I do on this job. By merely telling you I have signed an NDA, I may be breaking my NDA. Who knows? Good lawyers make new law as they go.

Ah, yes, The Truth.

This is cycle 3 of my life on this point. When I was a kid, I was a really excellent liar. I could juggle three versions of "the truth" and never confuse them. No wonder I enjoy creative writing! Not only could I remember my conjured truths, I was pretty good at making others believe them. I could deliever a bold-faced lie to anyone and never show it. I had a hell of a poker face, too bad I didn't know how to play poker then, I might be richer now.

In my late teens and twenties, I decided to repent for my past and go the other way. I decided to always tell the truth, the blunt truth and nothing but the painful, mean, awful truth. I was a magnification mirror held up to the world, showing every pimple and pore. Asking me if something made you look fat could have been fatal.

Now, well, I think I'm quieter. I don't have to tell the truth and I don't have to lie, I don't have to say anything at all. People will believe whatever they want to believe. Most didn't believe the truth when I showed it to them anyway. Self delusion is a powerful thing.

I think I'm losing touch with people. I don't get them anymore. I used to think I had a grip on what people wanted and how they thought. Now, I sit back and watch them run around and around and around. Dogs chasing their own tails. It's all so pointless.

I think I'm going to take up fishing. Just me, a pole and some dead fish.

August 01, 2005 11:44 AM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

Lovely, it refuses to update the number - there are now 5 comments, thank you very much!!

Yup, big, floppy hat with a lot of shiny lures. Maybe a vest, too ...

August 02, 2005 4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, when I said "DNA" it was a typo. I think almost everyone signs NDA's at their place of employment these days. I'm willing to bet I signed one at Charter. Although, I'm not sure.

August 02, 2005 4:39 PM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

I figured that was the case, just making sure - and not just for you.

I make an effort to not use lingo, shorthand or TLA (Three Letter Acronyms) without defining them - like I did just there! I think it's irresponsible to do otherwise.

I see journalists doing this all the time, and it sucks. I remember being in a "Current Events" class in high school, we were reading Newsweek as part of the class. (Max, were you in that class with me?) This was about the time that the term "sound bite" emerged. Big buzz word. But, when I ran across it, I had no idea what it meant. It took a couple more articles in that particular issue of Newsweek, seeing it in context, before I knew what the term meant. In none of those articles was it defined, I was left to get it by context alone.

And, you are correct. NDA is as common as tax forms. Working with lawyers, as I do, makes me more paranoid about my NDA.

August 03, 2005 12:42 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

Nope. Didn't take current events.

August 04, 2005 6:57 PM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

We took two classes together, didn't we? One of them was American History, yes? Wasn't there another one? We had that odd ball coach, the one who always wore the parachute pants and the deck brush mustache ...

August 07, 2005 7:22 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

We were in American History, true. As I recall you didn't want to sit next to me because you felt I was a bad influence. I don't recall sitting any other classes together, though.

August 15, 2005 4:28 PM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

Well, I was right, wasn't I?

Hmmmm, maybe I'm confusing you with Becky ...

August 15, 2005 5:38 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...


August 15, 2005 5:52 PM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

JK, Dude, JK ... ;)

August 16, 2005 11:20 PM  

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