Jericho: The IRS and Me
Last week we get a thick envelope from the IRS. This is never a good sign, ever! I opened it up and tried to read the contents. All I got was that they wanted me to pay $361 for a discrepancy on my 2003 return. Yeah. Okay. Needless to say I lost my marbles and went right into panic mode.
A day or two later I called my tax pro, the lovely, brilliant, wonderful Judi Dobberstein. She asked me to fax over the forms. Turns out that the IRS recieved a report that one of our bank accounts earned $1300+ dollars in interest. Judi tells me that we would have needed something like $200k in that account to get that interest. I don't hink so!
A little history. When I moved to Seattle, I set up a bank account. When Steph moved out here, she felt we should set ourselves up like her folks are set up; each of us would have a personal account and there would be a central account for bill paying. Between the fact that we both have ATM cards on the central account and that there isn't much left after bills, the two personal accounts are basically a joke! Since Steph moved out here, my account has rarely been above $50. And this was the account that supposedly gave me $1300 in interest.
I got in touch with my bank. They sent me details that I earned $.26 cents on that account in 2003. I paid out over $600 on the maxed out credit card that is attached to that account, but no where was a number even remotely close to $1300.
I wrapped up all this information, shoved it in the provided envelope and sent it back to the IRS as a registered letter. It cost me $8 bucks, but that's cheaper than $361 any day. We'll see what the IRS has to say about that.
I just wanted to again thank Judi. Tremendously helpful!! If you are reading this, let me know if you have a web site I can point to - I have no problem being your shill!
A day or two later I called my tax pro, the lovely, brilliant, wonderful Judi Dobberstein. She asked me to fax over the forms. Turns out that the IRS recieved a report that one of our bank accounts earned $1300+ dollars in interest. Judi tells me that we would have needed something like $200k in that account to get that interest. I don't hink so!
A little history. When I moved to Seattle, I set up a bank account. When Steph moved out here, she felt we should set ourselves up like her folks are set up; each of us would have a personal account and there would be a central account for bill paying. Between the fact that we both have ATM cards on the central account and that there isn't much left after bills, the two personal accounts are basically a joke! Since Steph moved out here, my account has rarely been above $50. And this was the account that supposedly gave me $1300 in interest.
I got in touch with my bank. They sent me details that I earned $.26 cents on that account in 2003. I paid out over $600 on the maxed out credit card that is attached to that account, but no where was a number even remotely close to $1300.
I wrapped up all this information, shoved it in the provided envelope and sent it back to the IRS as a registered letter. It cost me $8 bucks, but that's cheaper than $361 any day. We'll see what the IRS has to say about that.
I just wanted to again thank Judi. Tremendously helpful!! If you are reading this, let me know if you have a web site I can point to - I have no problem being your shill!
No one cares about your attempts to hide your vast wealth from the government.
Dude, if I had 200k just sitting in a normal savings account, I would tell everyone! "I am so rich, I don't even have to invest my money to increase my wealth - I just let it sit around earning 2%."
The IRS could give a fuck, they tagged me for a $140 error on a 2002 return, after writing them a letter explaining the error and filing late bullshit, they could give a rip and it cost me $1300. The IRS can suck my fat ass. Good Luck! :)
Whoa. Whoa. Whooooooooa!
A $140 error cost you $1300??? How did that work? You are scaring the shit out of me! My error was twice yours!
It isn't often that I read that I'm lovely, brilliant, wonderful. Thanks. And I'm somewhat behind the time in that I don't have a website. I can always ship some business cards your way.
I'll pass the business cards out to everyone I know - send many.
Want a website? For all the work you have done for us I will build you one and get it hosted - on me! Totally worth $25 and my time! is available!
I was asked again today if I had a web site. Client wanted to sing my praises. Again I had to say no but.....I think a website would be great, never knew where to start. I'll take you up on your offer of a website. What do I need to do?
PS: The thought of a web site does the same thing to my mind as an IRS letter does to yours.
I'll send you some email on the subject. This sounds like fun!
I report different numbers than my 1099 stated, I filed late (you can get away with filing late if the government owes you, which they did owe me), they find this to be a henious and unforgivable fact and the fact that I dis the President repeatedly on my website AND had visits to my website from or another frequently probably didn't help the matter. Their a bunch of unforgiving bastards and I didn't use Turbo Tax that year, my mistake, however, I'm never mistaken when I call the POTUS a cocksucker. I do have a right to my own opinion, no matter what it costs. :) lol.
Cupie, meet Judi. Judi, meet Theresa a.k.a. Cupie. Cupe, if you need help, Judi is THE lady to ask. Don't be shy, now ... remember, someone who acts as their own lawyer has a fool for a client. This might apply to taxes as well.
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