Saturday, August 27, 2005

Jericho: Make Your Own Jericho

I used to love those "Make Your Own Adventure" books. I remember getting my hands on one of those sometime in 5th or 6th grade. I thought those were the coolest thing ever! There were multiple endings! I controlled how it went! Brilliant!

Well, we got to choose which way things went, but it was never any form of "control" - most of those books should have been called "Choose Your Own Doom." I even ran across one that had an ending that you couldn't get to by making any choice in the book. You just saw this two page illustration enough times to be curious, so finally you "cheated" and just read the section, where it told you "you got here by no choice of your own" - oy!

I got older and found a series of books produced for Dungeons & Dragons! Some of those were so cool to my young mind. I was totally addicted and collected them all. Of course, I had to wait until they were on the clearance rack or at the dollar store, but I collected them all. A vast adventure held in only a few hundred pages! Amazing.

In high school, TSR again produced some D&D MYOA books. But, these were more the size of a normal paperback novel. Plus, they came with a book mark that had stats for the character you played. You needed to use dice and keep track of hit points and everything. I reread the one that I bought dozens of times. Erased a hole in the book mark.

These days, if you look around the internet, you can find a few MYOA sites. They are usually just goofing around on some point like dating or working or what not. A couple of years ago, after seeing "Being John Malkovich," I thought it would be fun to put together a MYOA about being me. I wanted to show how I'm wasting my life in as humorous a way as possible. After all, I live to entertain all of you!

This project lived on my back burner for three years. It takes a bit to plan all of those flow charts to make this kind of thing work, and I had other things to do. Now that my job has slowed down and I'm not producing a womic, I have a little time. I grabbed Visio and set up the simplest structure for this project I have ever created. I finished that initial set of Visio diagrams in under two hours. For the last week I have been programming a simple, text based web game and it is finally finished.

Ladies and Gents, I present to you: Being Jericho

This is a permanent addition to the site. There is a link off the Features page, and I'm putting a temporary link on the right side of the main page. The great thing about this is that now that I have the simple frame work of the game up, it will take nothing to add new parts to it now and then. I want to grow it into something great! I want it to be a simple game that will be fun to play time and time again.

Have fun and let me know what you think.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's great! Lots of fun! The first moral of my story... don't do the laundry. :-P

This is a fun idea, Jer. Easy to read and keeps you guessing. You should do more installments for sure.

August 27, 2005 8:00 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

So, based on your naming convention I was expecting several hundred thousand blow jobs.

August 27, 2005 8:32 PM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

Well, that is my fanatsy life, but this one is a little closer to my REAL life! :)

Laura, glad you liked it! More to come.

Anyone else tried it?

August 28, 2005 11:15 AM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

Okay, I see that BJ has gone over like a fart in church. Glad I wasted my time on this project. Hmm ... maybe I'll add a part to BJ where I spend two years thinking about a project, two or three weeks implementing it and then have it fall on deaf ears. Yes! Perfect.

August 30, 2005 7:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go to and post a link to your "Actually Boring-Ass Life" and I'm sure you'll get thousands of hits!

(Kevin Smith - creator of View Askew - has a web blog that's called "My Boring-Ass Life")

August 31, 2005 12:07 AM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

Hey, Laura, which do you think would hold more weight? A link from a newbie like myself or a link from a trusted and known poster, like, oh, I dunno, maybe you?

I bet that a link from me would be treated as spam or just ignored all together. A link from you might bring some hits to our lonely part of the web.

HINT! :)

September 02, 2005 10:18 AM  

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