Thursday, August 25, 2005

Jericho: Whoops! Now what?

I was out reading some distressing bits of someone else's blog today. I won't mention who, because it leads somewhere I don't want to go right now, I'll explain more in a moment. Let's just say, I bet this person knows who zie are and my thoughts and wishes go out to you. I'm really sorry this is happening to you ... AGAIN!

As I scanned through the comments left for this particular blogist-in-crisis, I ran across a name I recognized. An unusual name, one hard to confuse with anything else. What's worse, there was a link under this person's name, a link to a blog.

Why the fuss? I'll tell you why. This person is a co-worker. Well, not so much a co-worker as a manager.

This presents me with some interesting problems. Being a blogist who has watched blogging cause loss of job, loss of liberty and loss of livelihood, I'm feeling a little, well, off center, even vulnerable. I've blogged before about my feelings on work and blogging.

I like this person. This person's blog is interesting. No one is commenting on this person's blog - not one comment in the whole thing! I want to comment. I want to blog-roll. I feel like I'm violating some rule by reading this blog. I feel like I'm endangering myself by even knowing this thing exists. I also feel a real relationship to this fellow blogist who is also writing about the recent challenges at our place of employment. I want to show support and friendship to a person-I-know-from-work-that-I-would-befriend-outside-of-work.

Sure, I know I'm over thinking this. I should just ignore this and move on. I shouldn't be so paranoid about a non-event. But, in all the time you have been reading IWDC, when have I done ANY of that???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this could be a bad idea, but you could comment and offer support via a pseudo-name.

August 25, 2005 8:03 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

Wow. I've seen declassified government documents that include more information. That said, how abut you talk to this dude in person?

August 25, 2005 8:34 PM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

Yeah. I guess.

Some days I just don't feel human anymore. This job is turning me into something I'm not. Reading these travel books that Max sent me isn't helping me, either.

August 25, 2005 8:36 PM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

Max and I cross comments ...

I could talk to this person in person. But, again, this is one of my managers. I realize that most of we bloggers are extroverts looking for a stage and if we didn't want it out here, we shouldn't put it out here.

It still feels like I'm crossing a line. Approaching this person, saying I tripped over their blog and, oh by the way, read the whole thing. It feels funny. This person didn't associate their last name with their blog or put a their own picture into their profile.

I think I really just need to let this thing go. It just struck me as really odd. Any body else had this problem?

August 25, 2005 8:40 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

Sorry the travel books are bumming you out. I always found them inspirational. I guess I will look in another section for your next Druid Tree Festival present.

As for the job, of course it is making you less human. Big business does that to their lackies. I just went through a 2.5 hour meeting this past week about just how they are planning to dehumanize me further. It's not good enough anymore to be a good troubleshooter/tech. We are all to fake a carefully crafted company personality on the phone. And most of our performance is based on adherance to personality rather than actually fixing shit.

August 25, 2005 9:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was very well said, Max. I praise you for your selection of words. I am your best friend. :-)

August 26, 2005 1:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I'm curious!

August 26, 2005 5:59 AM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

See, Max, that's just the thing - the travel books are inspirational. Far too inspirational! I'm stuck in a no where job and, like you, always broke. I can't take a year off, plan a trip, have it paid for and filmed by the BBC and travel around the world. But, I wanna! Oh, dear Maxarino, do I ever wanna!

I want to travel from the southern tip of South America to the northern tip of North America, full roto! I want to strap on a BMW and go gravel road riding across the remains of the Eastern Bloc. A co-worker, hearing me brag about "Long Way Around" gave me another book, "Prince Borghese's Trail" - this is Peking to Paris in a classic car. Nope, that doesn't sound like all the fun I can imagine at all, really!!!

See, I read these books and I see these people doing these things and I think, dude, I could do this! The inspirational part is the part that gets me in trouble. I know we could do my RV idea, I just know we can. I'd have to divorce Steph because she would never let me do it, but I know I could pull it off!

Too inspirational!

August 26, 2005 12:37 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

Well, I'll try to be less inspirational with the next round of books I send.

Unless I feel like annoying you.

August 26, 2005 9:28 PM  

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