Yup, I'm in DC. I spent the lion's share of last week arranging and rearranging travel and lodging for a training class. This class is on
VoIP, since we are working on picking out a new VoIP system for the firm, we are trying to get trained up. My co-worker has taken this class, and got a lot out of it. So, my boss wanted me to get the same class and the same trainer - this guy has a resume that reads like the history of telecom. At one point or another, I had arranged for travel to Philly, Raleigh and Boston. I had a class cancelled out from under me. I have also had and lost three hotel rooms just in DC.

Airlines and hotels are weird things. Get this; direct flight from Seattle to DC, arranged two days before the flight, round trip $300. I can't get coast to coast for less than $500 a person a month before I traveled, but this fare just magically popped up.
Anyway, since it was easier to arrange travel on Saturday, I got one day to be a tourist. Of course, that meant that my foot decided to act up and limit my walking. I decided I wanted to go the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. I've wanted to go there for, oh, a decade or two. So, I took a bunch of ibuprophen and went looking for public transport. I didn't know that DC had an underground train system. I've lived in a bus only town for too long. Loved this train! The tunnel, pictured above, is way cool. Just the lighting screams out "urban cool". I'm hoping that Seattle's future train system will be half as cool.

Anyway, I made it to the museum. This picture pretty much sums up the history of flight, don't it? Museums always mess with me. I always think they will be great, and this one was excellent, but I always feel let down. Seeing the cool things other people have done does nothing to make my life feel more significant. My feet didn't act up too much. I had a good time. Now, I get to spend the rest of the week learning stuff. Wish me luck.
How long are you in the District? Will you have time to drop by the Capitol and give some Republicans the Bronx Cheer?
I'll be here all week!
I've always thought of IWDC as one big Bronx cheer ...
Um... I hate to sound stupid... but what's the "bronx cheer"? I assume it's something like giving people the finger or soemthing, but I've never heard of it called the bronx cheer.
DC is a fun town. Last time I was there, I was in my Junior year of high school. I got some of my social studies credits by going on the Close Up trip. I actually learned something on that trip. What that is, I don't remember, but I know I learned SOMEthing.
The time before that, I was there on a Pro-Life march. Our group peaceably walked down the street and ignored all the people on the side of the street clawing at us with un-twisted metal coat hangers and holding signs with pictures of women who died trying to give themselves an abortion. Real pleasent that was. It's tragic those women died, but in my opinion, they were pretty damn stupid if they thought they could give themselves an abortion to begin with.
Sorry... didn't mean to turn this into a Pro-Life rant. Anyway, when I was there on both trips, no one else wanted to go to the Air and Space museum, so I haven't had the chance to go. You're a lucky duck, Jer!
BTW- Is Seattle really working on getting an underground train system, or was that wishful thinking in your entry?
BTW, again- You should watch Southwest for a flight to St. Louis. They're butt cheep, and Max and I would love a visit sometime!
Seattle is getting a light rail system going from Downtown to the airport. Downtown, the train will pass into the underground bus tunnel. If they make a northern spoke, I'm sure it will exit out of the tunnel. The tunnel is currently closed until 2009 while they are working on this. So, unless something goes terribly wrong (not unknown in Seattle politics) we'll have a rail system that partially passes underground. I hope it expands.
Heh... that's what we figured here in St. Louis. The MetroLink station in South City was supposed to be finished this year, but the "voters" decided to cut all funding for public transportation in this state.
It was a bit of a scam. The measure didn't ask if people wanted to defund public transit, it asked if all revenue from gas and other transportation related taxes should go only to road construction and maintanence. It didn't bother to mention was some of the money was already being used for.
"Bit of" a scam? How about "definitly" a scam. Fuckers. No... I'm not bitter.
Hehehe... my verification word is "lapmo". I think that's what they call it when you get a lap dance in Missouri. *giggle*
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