Saturday, February 04, 2006

Max: On The Road Again

Laura is an obsessive fan - borderline stalker - of Kevin Smith. A few months ago, she found out he was to be doing a Q&A this past Thursday in Indianapolis, a mere five hour drive from home. Being a fan of Kevin Smith myself, not to mention a fan of taking time off of work to go do fun things, I agreed with her that we should go. I put in to use most of my available time off. I could have made due with taking just two days off, but by blowing the load I allowed myself the six-day weekend I am currently enjoying.

Thursday morning we set off for Indianapolis. We drove straight through and arrived mid-afternoon. Normally I enjoy just about everything about road trips, but it was particularly rainy along I-70. A combination of no scenery and insane drivers made me glad to arrive. Laura's Internet based penny-pinching found us a nice extended-stay suite for about what you would pay for a cheap motel room. The room was nice in and of itself. Having the Canal just outside of our window made it just that much better. We had lunch at a bar just across the street from our hotel and headed back to get ready.

As I said, Laura is just a bit obsessive about Kevin Smith, so “getting ready” means more than throwing on jeans and a t-shirt. She had spent the past month picking out just the right outfits for both of us. She even put on make-up, something she rarely does as it is utterly needless when one has face as perfect as hers.

The theater was a shortish walk from our hotel. Despite the rain it was rather a pleasant walk. We got to the theater about a half hour before they opened the doors and passed the time in a nearby comic book shop.

The Q&A was great. We got to listen to Kevin go on for about 6.5 hours about his career in film, his relationship with his wife and his recent struggle with an anal fissure. It was about 2:30 AM before we got out. We had been up for just shy of 18 hours at that point and happily collapsed into bed when we got back to the room.

The next day we walked along the canal to the Eiteljorg Museum. After a brisk reminder of just how shitty whitey treated Native Americans, along with an interesting look into the past and present lives of said Native Americans, we adjourned to the museum cafe where we enjoyed some buffalo nachos and some rainbow trout chowder (both delish).

It was at about the point we started to feel the effects of two nights of insufficient sleep. As much as we wanted to stay and check out some more of the city, we decided we had to start heading home before we both fell over. The ride back was much more pleasant than the ride to. We had far less rain and Laura drove so I got to enjoy some scenery.

I crashed shortly after getting home and slept for about 12 hours. Today I have been a bit of a slug, mostly out of laziness, but I am also blaming the fact that this trip tapped out our discretionary funds for the time being. So, I am off to read my book and maybe scrounge some food.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Twas an AWESOME show fo' sure. Kevin never ceases to amaze me. If I had met him before Max.... well, I'd have still married Max because Kevin I'm pretty sure I'm not Kev's type. Have you seen his wife?? Woah! Jen, Kevin and Harley
But I'd be a lot less expensive to maintain- according to his answer in the Q&A, her engagement ring was over $35,000 from Tiffany's! Mine was $100 from Wal-Mart and I was/am happy with it.
Anyway, if you ever get the chance to see Kevin do a Q&A, I highly recomend going. It is WELL worth the money, even if you're not a hard core fan.
(Oh, and Indy was a nice town, but their roads are CRAPPY. Yes, worse than St. Louis.)

February 04, 2006 10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a really great time! I am looking forward to the movie he'll be in with Jennifer Garner: Catch & Release.

February 05, 2006 1:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah! That movie looks like it's going to be a blast! Kevin told us a story at the Q&A about the test screening for the movie. The short of it is that he tested way above the leading man in the screenings. I think that's awesome. But then someone else had said they though he looked/acted just like Jack Black in it. But Jack Black's cool, so I'm all for that. I'm totally looking forward to Catch and Release.

February 05, 2006 4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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February 05, 2006 10:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack Black is funny and all...but I don't know if he could pull off the smart/cute/funny character that Kevin Smith will be playing in Catch & Release. I just learned how to put a hyperlink in a comment..really wanted to just test it out. :)

February 05, 2006 10:52 PM  

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