Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Jericho: A Chat with Max, 3/20/06

Jericho: Laura is making me join MySpace. If I'm joining, so are you, pal.

Max: You could always not do it.

Jericho: And put up with her begging? I can't say no to women, you know this.

You have defenses against this, I was raised by amazons!

Max: Damn shame, that. I can say "no" to both of you.

Jericho: Oh, no, buddy boy. I will make you pay! I can't raise a hand to her, but you I know how to abuse very well!

One strip-ogram to the tune of "Coppa-Cabana" and you will be begging!

One well placed nude photo of me and you will rip out your own eyes.

Then, I'll get creative!!!

Max: You'll have to find a way to hack into my online study guides.

That is about all I see these days outside of work.

Jericho: What? You don't think I can manage that? You think I'm impotent?

Alright! Fine. You got me. Impotent as a Bobbit!


Just join so she'll leave me alone!!

Who knows. I might even be, dare I say, fun.

Max: I don't have any, dare I say, time. Maybe in late April when I finally become a certified looney.

Jericho: What? You don't love me anymore?

Fine. No. Fine. I see how it is.

You can't find five minutes to do this tiny little thing. For me. I see.



I'm not crying because I'm angry. These are tears of understanding!

Max: Hmmm, that clocktower is looking better all the time.

Jericho: Sure. You have time for the clock tower but not me!

Max: I'll dedicate my first kill to you.

Jericho: Time for the clock tower - how ironic!

That's right. Time for your guns and bullets and "assassinations" - but nothing for me.

Max: That's it. I'm voting for the removal of the word "ironic" from the language. No one knows what it means anymore.

Jericho: What? That wasn't irony? I thought that was wonderful irony? "time" "clock" - what?

Max: That would be the opposite of irony.

Jericho: You were giving time to the clock - that's not ironic?

Max: Irony is using a word but meaning the opposite. Like calling a big guy "Tiny".

Jericho: Then what was I dodin?

dodin = doing

Max: Being odd?

Jericho: Oh. Well. Sure I was.

Then, I have been trying too hard when it comes to irony. Shesh! Much easier than I thought ...

Max: "Irony" has become a word people use when they don't know what word to use.

Jericho: I try not to use it at all, just for that reason. I thought I had nailed it for once. Silly, stupid me.

Max: It's okay. You may be an inbred, drooling affront to nature, but you are MY inbred, drooling affront to nature.

Jericho: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=ironic

Interesting bit there under "Usage Note"

I only drool in my sleep!

Max: Yeah, that about sums it up.

Jericho: Okay, so, there has got to be a word for what I was doing - because it was pretty cool!

Max: There probably is. Check your copy of Elements of Style.

Jericho: Yeeeeeeeeah. I'll just dig that right up.

Max: Okay.

Jericho: What I love is that they couldn't get a full panel of experts to agree on this word's usage, only a majority.

Max: What? Unanimity has nothing to do with fact.

Jericho: If you put four artists and a color wheel at a table and asked the artists to point at "blue" - I'm betting none of them would be pointing at the orange.

If so, then I would have that one tested for drugs.

Max: But if that one did point to orange, would that weaken you confidence in the three that pointed to blue?

Jericho: Maybe a little. What does the whack know that the others don't? Is conventional wisdom wrong in this case?

Max: So, forget what they vote was and look to the facts.

Jericho: What facts? 100 experts sit down and only 75 of them agree. That's a fact?

Language is a protocol - you're studying those now, right?

If one device speaks cobol and one speaks BASIC - they can't communicate until they agree on a common protocol.

In language, we all have to agree what the words mean or else the words are meaningless.

Max: And how is any of that affected by the vote count?

Jericho: 25% of the supposed expert don't agree on what the word means. I'd call that significant.

Funny, I'm agreeing with you and you're fighting me on it.

Max: You're married. You should be used to it.

Jericho: Right. I forgot.

Let's just go have sex.

Max: If you are saying the "experts" are dips, yes, I agree. I just don't see it as any more relavant than the other 90% of the anglophone world who don't know what "irony" is.

Jericho: Right. Let's abandon the freaking word - no one knows what it means.

Max: Amen, sister.

Jericho: You realize that I am going to be forced to post this chat to IWDC. This is totally classic "us" ...

Max: Feel free-ish.

Jericho: Ish?

Am I editing something out of here?

Max: Dunno. Are you? I have enough trouble keeping track of what I am doing.

Jericho: Oh. No. I thought it stood well on it's own. But if you are troubled, I'm here for you my child ...

Max: I am troubled, but twenty years of you has not exactly helped.

Jericho: I thought I had a calming effect on you. Like a wind swept ocen coated in crude oil.

ocen = ocean

Max: You certainly are crude and slick. But you are more like a fireman who filled the wrong tank when he stopped at the gas station.

Jericho: Ah! Good one.

That would be one HELL of an expensive mistake these days!

Max: Yeah, but imagine the footage on the news.

Jericho: Fireman with a flame thrower quickly followed by exploding fire truck. That's good teevee!

I think there should be more flame throwing on teevee.

Max: You might want to check out Braniac on G4. It pretends to be a science show but is mainly about blowing shit up.

Jericho: G4 is now doing a Mythbusters rip-off?

That network needs to find an audience or give it up.

Max: No. Braniac is not quite a Mythbuster type show.

Their "science" is even thinner. Sometimes they don't even bother coming up with a reason other than flame throwers and high explosives are fun for all.

Jericho: Well, okay. That I can live with.

Max: Once, they had an "experiment" to find out if you would get a better workout riding a stationary bike for a period of time or staring at a woman's breast for that same period.

Jericho: Okay, now I see where their audience lives, in my shorts!

Max: Good Lord! How do they breath in there?

Jericho: My penis is actually the business end of my internal HVAC system.

Max: Chilling

Jericho: Or heating, depends on which way my nipples are tweaked.

Max: Pardon me while I go soak my brain in bleach for a while.

Jericho: I can only produce that three days out of the month. Cast off from my internal peat moss plantation.

Max: I would have thought you would have gone pellet.

Jericho: Um. Okay.

That was the wife on the phone, I have to go now.

Max: Kewl. C ya

Jericho: Buh-bye!


Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

Wow. Those two need to be locked up for the world's good.

April 04, 2006 7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehehe. I thought it was great! I was mentioned! :D lol but seriously, it was fun to read. you two are so perfect together. ;)

April 05, 2006 12:28 AM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

This was how I thought IWDC would be originally, only longer form. When we started talking about IWDC, I was inspired by the email chains between myself and Max which often looked like this chat. But, instead of covering a few hours of back and forth chat, those chains could cover months and might debate back and forth with huge paragraphs and paragraphs. Usually, one of us would write out a long diatribe in the middle, and the other would answer with something simple like "Sure" or "Duh!"

April 05, 2006 7:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well.... you could post the stuff up until the "duh!" point. :-)

April 05, 2006 4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Laura's idea....except...I was the reason this chat ended...so..as long as I don't get blamed..you two are pretty funny. :)

April 05, 2006 8:20 PM  
Blogger Femeros said...

Ow, my eye!

April 06, 2006 5:19 AM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

What did we do to your eye??

April 06, 2006 10:02 AM  

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