Thursday, July 27, 2006

Jericho: Sexy Halloween!

July is nearly over. As the days get shorter and (we hope) the weather begins to cool down - a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of: Halloween!

When I was kid, I loved Halloween. It was my favorite holiday. For one night everyone got to be someone else.

As the years have gone by, and adult concerns have replaced the trials of my younger days, Halloween has become less and less a part of my life.

Recently, I was looking around at Halloween costumes. Why? They are cheaper in the off season! As I looked, I stumbled over this site with some Sexy Costumes!

The link above probably isn't work safe, but it is inspiring! If I got invited to parties where people were wearing these costumes - Halloween would be a much bigger part of my life! Who needs candy? I'd rather see "Kandi" dressed up in a Naughty Nun outfit! Yow! Forget Halloween! This party should happen at least once a week!

Maybe this year, instead of waiting to get invited to a great costume party, I'll just throw one myself! Be my luck everyone will show up in Ren Faire garb!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wearing Ren Faire garb for Halloween is CHEATING!! I have a Halloween party every year. Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. I just love dressing up and pretending to be someone different. I think I've only ever purchased two costumes, though-- the rest I made or my Mom made. I think that makes it even more fun and creative.

Anyway, if you do have the Sexy Halloween Party, be sure to post PICTURES!

July 27, 2006 10:36 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

I think a couple should be encouraged to attend the party as Adam and Eve.

Or Adam and Steve.

Or Ada and Eve.

Or Adam, Eve and Lilith.

And so on.

July 31, 2006 6:48 AM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

Adam, Eve and Lilith - yow!

I wanna go to THAT party! Woo!

Of course, there's always Madam and Eve! Woo-hoo! ;)

July 31, 2006 3:18 PM  

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