Max: Accessing Panic Mode
Laura just took a home pregnancy test.

It would seem that my unemployment makes the Mrs. particularly fecund, as I was jobless the last time I knocked her up.
We have been trying, so on the whole I am happy. But given that I am unemployed at the moment and what happened the last time, I am also scared shitless.

It would seem that my unemployment makes the Mrs. particularly fecund, as I was jobless the last time I knocked her up.
We have been trying, so on the whole I am happy. But given that I am unemployed at the moment and what happened the last time, I am also scared shitless.
Congrats to my friends!
I'm wishing you luck and health and a little bit of wealth!
It'll work out, you'll see.
I said it and so it shall be! ;)
So when are you due?
I'm so glad.....It'll be great to be a Grandma again...
Oma & Opa are praying that all goes will.
We'd be due in March, I think, but I haven't gotten the Doctor's official prediction just yet, so I'm not entirely sure when. It's funny, though, because I'm supposed to be in a wedding at the end of March!
Better buy a bigger dress! ;)
OR... possibly opt out of being an attendant and offer to do a reading. :)
Well, I'll talk it over with the bride and see what she thinks. It's her decision in the long run. I'll do whatever she wants me to. :)
Count three months back and add one week from your last period should give you a pretty accurate due date.
Love, Judi
So... June 8th was the last period, so... yup! March 15-ish. They say only 5% actually deliver on their due date, though. I think having a St. Patty's Day baby would be awesome!
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