Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Jericho: But is it a Splog?

I'm a tech geek. For the last eight or so years, my job has fallen on the line between data and telecom, between phones and computers. My current job has, until recently (more on that later, maybe), primarily focused on a voicemail system, which is connected to a telephone switch, but is itself an off-the-shelf computer server. I'm firmly based in the convergence of telephones and computers.

This leads me to VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol. This idea, transmitting phone calls over digital data lines, isn't exactly new, but it is becoming quite the rage. A real buzz word. You have probably been hearing more and more about it.

So, I came across something that perked up my ears. I'm always hunting around for VoIP information. I'm expected to put together a class at work to explain VoIP to the average technotard, so anything I can pull from the Internet to make that easier is helpful. I ran across a link that claimed to take me to a "VoIP Forum", instead, it took me to a site called "Vonage Forum".

By now, you have all heard of Vonage. It's advertised everywhere. Vonage is indeed VoIP for the home or SOHO user. I've even heard it is a good service for the value. But, Vonage isn't the end all, be all of VoIP and it isn't the only VoIP option out there.

This Vonage Forum touts itself as "An Independent Support Site" - they also go on to disclaim any association with Vonage. But, from there, it's the "V" word as far as the eye can see. Features, Calling Plans, Rates, specials - all for Vonage.

I had a look around and while there is a ton of info, it's not VoIP generic. If you are a Vonage user, this is probably a great place for you. If you want to learn more about Vonage before you buy, while I don't feel it's as "independent" as it claims, the Vonage Forum will probably give you a ton of insight. Some features require that you register with the forum, but this shouldn't be foreign to you if you have used any other forums before.

I found this site after I read an interesting article out at Wired. The article deals with something I have never heard of before; splogs. A "splog" is a Spam Blog, or a blog that uses search engines to lure readers to their site where they are bombarded with links and ads, all of which will make money for the splog creator. The idea is to get high enough in search engine results that people hit your page when looking for, well, just about anything. Say I googled up "Auto Parts" - I could trip over a link that looked promising, when in fact I would be lead to a splog with thousands of ads for cheap Viagra or who knows what else. Read the article, especially you bloggists out there! Know the enemy ... or become the enemy, there is money to be made!

Is the Vonage Forum a splog? Looking back on it now, no. But having just read that article and hitting that site directly after, it pinged my internal spamdar. This site offers a service, unlike the average splog. I couldn't even find it via Google unless I entered "Vonage Forum". It didn't have a lot of randomly generated crap. It is, however, very heavily slanted toward one product.

If I were to call a site a VoIP forum, I would want more generic VoIP info up front. A good comparison of several services would be useful. I'd like to see a more well rounded site, one that wouldn't need a disclaimer directly at the top of the page because of it's heavy slant.

Keep your eyes open out there!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting! :)

September 05, 2006 8:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What rolls down stairs alone or in pairs
Rolls over your neighbor's dog?
What's great for a snack and fits on your back?
It's Splog, Splog, Splog!

September 06, 2006 11:40 AM  

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