Jericho: A Fantasy League of His Own
Fall is soon upon us. At this time of year, a young man's fancy turns to ... gaming!
Long time readers know I'm a sucker for games. I'm a role player, love me some video games and other games are always interesting. With all the pre-season football games on the tube and with Seattle doing so well last season, there's all kinds of football talk around me these days.
Now, I know very little about football. My wife could better relate one embarrassing story where I was approached by a personality from a local radio station. He had a mic in hand, was live on the air and they were broadcasting between halves or something. The young man asked me if I liked football. I knew even less about football then than now - so, not wanting to come off as a dork, which should have been my first clue, I yelled out, "Yeah! Go Seahawks!" The young man gave me a stupid look and left. Steph just shook her head. As some of you have already guessed, this was a Saturday. Steph pointed to the radio-station's truck. Painted on the side in large, purple letters were the words "Husky Radio". Apparently, if a radio guy approaches you on a Saturday, you are supposed to talk about college football, not pro ball. Faux pas moi!
I may not know football, but gaming I know! One thing that has intrigued me for a while has been the concept of Fantasy Sports, and since it is the season, Football specifically. I found this Fantasy Football site, they give cash prizes for this stuff and everything. Wild! But, I think you might have to know more about football than I do to get into it. I dunno - I can watch Fox Sports and ESPN like any other guy - can't I? Hmmmmm. Maybe I'm not butch enough to be this much of a geek. Maybe I'll get into Fantasy Hockey!
Since I know nothing about football, I'm not butch but I am a geek, I must find a compromise. There was a game out on the market a few years ago called Blood Bowl. I got to play a few times and I really liked it. It combined several geeky things, starting with such "Fantasy" elements as Orcs, Trolls and Goblins. It's a table top wargame, of sorts - very geeky. Throw in that the game uses little metal figures that need to be painted - tres geeky! The best is that it simulates a sport, something all geeks would rather do. We would rather roll dice and crunch numbers than actually go out with a leather ball and get dirty!
Sadly, the game is out of print. I can get a copy from the manufacturer - for $75! Ebay has various copies at various prices and states, from cheap and trashed to still shrink wrapped for more than $75! Finding others to play with is even harder than finding the out of print game. I nearly had Steph talked into it - sure I did! Too bad. I understand a new version will be hitting the market next year. We'll see ...
Long time readers know I'm a sucker for games. I'm a role player, love me some video games and other games are always interesting. With all the pre-season football games on the tube and with Seattle doing so well last season, there's all kinds of football talk around me these days.
Now, I know very little about football. My wife could better relate one embarrassing story where I was approached by a personality from a local radio station. He had a mic in hand, was live on the air and they were broadcasting between halves or something. The young man asked me if I liked football. I knew even less about football then than now - so, not wanting to come off as a dork, which should have been my first clue, I yelled out, "Yeah! Go Seahawks!" The young man gave me a stupid look and left. Steph just shook her head. As some of you have already guessed, this was a Saturday. Steph pointed to the radio-station's truck. Painted on the side in large, purple letters were the words "Husky Radio". Apparently, if a radio guy approaches you on a Saturday, you are supposed to talk about college football, not pro ball. Faux pas moi!
I may not know football, but gaming I know! One thing that has intrigued me for a while has been the concept of Fantasy Sports, and since it is the season, Football specifically. I found this Fantasy Football site, they give cash prizes for this stuff and everything. Wild! But, I think you might have to know more about football than I do to get into it. I dunno - I can watch Fox Sports and ESPN like any other guy - can't I? Hmmmmm. Maybe I'm not butch enough to be this much of a geek. Maybe I'll get into Fantasy Hockey!
Since I know nothing about football, I'm not butch but I am a geek, I must find a compromise. There was a game out on the market a few years ago called Blood Bowl. I got to play a few times and I really liked it. It combined several geeky things, starting with such "Fantasy" elements as Orcs, Trolls and Goblins. It's a table top wargame, of sorts - very geeky. Throw in that the game uses little metal figures that need to be painted - tres geeky! The best is that it simulates a sport, something all geeks would rather do. We would rather roll dice and crunch numbers than actually go out with a leather ball and get dirty!
Sadly, the game is out of print. I can get a copy from the manufacturer - for $75! Ebay has various copies at various prices and states, from cheap and trashed to still shrink wrapped for more than $75! Finding others to play with is even harder than finding the out of print game. I nearly had Steph talked into it - sure I did! Too bad. I understand a new version will be hitting the market next year. We'll see ...

Even though I despise football, I'd play this game with you. Sounds interesting.
If only some aspiring game designer came up with something...
Despise football? Did you have a traumatic incident as a kid with football?
.... came up with what, Max?
I think football is boring, stupid, and barbaric. I'll watch a game and somewhat enjoy it if I'm actually there in the crowd, but never on TV. I really just don't like sports at all. Just not my "thing". I don't like watching any sport on TV. The only sport I'd actually pay money to see is baseball and martial arts.
And I'll never understand why people idolize sports figures. Just because you're good at a sport doesn't make you worthy of being an idol. Half the time, they're barely high school graduates (aka they're stupid), on steroids, drive drunk and cheat on their wives, etc... What kind of idol/role model is that?
*steps off soapbox*
A violent table-top game to fill the gap left by bloodbowl.
Ohhhhh ... a violent table top game. Yeah, if I ever get my army painted, I'll have that. It's called 40K ...
I totally agree with you Laura on the thing about sports figures being iolized (lots of them don't deserve it) and the salaries are way too high when you think about what teachers make these days.
I have to admit, I really do like sports...a bunch. Mostly football and hockey though. Baseball is ok if you are there in the stands or playing the game. Hockey is great on tv or in the areana. I think one of the great things about team sports is that it teaches you to work with others to achieve a common goal.
There is no "i" in "team". However, there is one in "win", "get paid" and plenty in "I'm on the Injured list for my entire contract, they are paying me millions to sit on the bench and look depressed."
Therefore, if I undertand correctly, I can't win unless less I twist and break me to fit into a team.
Max, I hate to inform you that you will never win anything. Nor will I.
Did I miss the point?
I was making a sort of anagram joke, the part about twisting and breaking "me" to fit into a "tEaM". If you missed it, you didn't miss much.
Remember: "team" spelled towardsways is "meat"!
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