Jericho: I need to type 500 words.
Damn Max and his little bets.
My rebuttal to his rebuttal of my rebuttal was 500+ words. I knew I should have just posted that! Dammit!
I have nothing to say. It's getting late, I just did a lot of driving. Probably not much driving for others, but a lot for me since I don't drive. I'm beat. I need to get to bed, I have a long week ahead.
But, here I am, tip-typing away. I'm writing about nothing. If you are reading this, feel free to stop at any time. I'm only writing 500 words to not lose the bet with Max and maybe, MAYBE get him to do the NaNoWriMo. This is a freaking scam! I can't believe I got bullied me into this. "Write 500 words a day and maybe I'll do the NaNoWriMo." It's for his own freakin' good. Here I am, busting my hump, and there he is, tinkin' 'bout it - when he should be jumping at the chance to jump up and do something cool.
One hundred and seventy two words, that's it? Holy freakin' cow!
I can't see a reason to not write the first word that comes into my head for every letter in the alphabet, it's 26 more words, right?
Aardvark, bark, cat, dog, elevator, fart, gator, hairy, italic, jasmine, kelp, lemur, mobile, nocturnal, orgasm, portal, query, stimulation, transvestite, uvula, vector, whisper, xray, yellow, zoological.
Two hundred thirty seven. This is going no where fast.
This is freakin' annoying. I can't believe I'm still doing this. It would be so much easier to just give up. Let Max win, as I always eventually do. Max always wins. He's smarter and better than me. He's usually right and I am rarely right. Why do I always let him win? Why am I still writing this? I could be in bed by now. I could be sawing logs. I could be watching an episode of M*A*S*H and heading off to sleep. Yet, I keep typing. I want to stop every three words and do a word count. I know it's only three more words, but some part of my brain still thinks magic sometimes happens. The other part of my brain knows I have Swiss cheese for brains, so while I might think I have only typed in three more words, I might have typed in three hundred, or none. It's always a shock.
Four hundred four. Is this not the most excruciating thing you have every read. Why are you still reading this? There isn't going to be anything here that's worth reading. I think you are a words in a line addict. You just have to read everything you see, don't you. No cereal box is safe. You even try to make out what they are saying in the Spanish and French version of the instructions, don't you? All because there is a live of words. You must read them because they are there. Well, there is nothing here. Keep reading if you must. I promise you, disappointment is coming your way. No way to stop it now.
Five hundred twenty four.
My rebuttal to his rebuttal of my rebuttal was 500+ words. I knew I should have just posted that! Dammit!
I have nothing to say. It's getting late, I just did a lot of driving. Probably not much driving for others, but a lot for me since I don't drive. I'm beat. I need to get to bed, I have a long week ahead.
But, here I am, tip-typing away. I'm writing about nothing. If you are reading this, feel free to stop at any time. I'm only writing 500 words to not lose the bet with Max and maybe, MAYBE get him to do the NaNoWriMo. This is a freaking scam! I can't believe I got bullied me into this. "Write 500 words a day and maybe I'll do the NaNoWriMo." It's for his own freakin' good. Here I am, busting my hump, and there he is, tinkin' 'bout it - when he should be jumping at the chance to jump up and do something cool.
One hundred and seventy two words, that's it? Holy freakin' cow!
I can't see a reason to not write the first word that comes into my head for every letter in the alphabet, it's 26 more words, right?
Aardvark, bark, cat, dog, elevator, fart, gator, hairy, italic, jasmine, kelp, lemur, mobile, nocturnal, orgasm, portal, query, stimulation, transvestite, uvula, vector, whisper, xray, yellow, zoological.
Two hundred thirty seven. This is going no where fast.
This is freakin' annoying. I can't believe I'm still doing this. It would be so much easier to just give up. Let Max win, as I always eventually do. Max always wins. He's smarter and better than me. He's usually right and I am rarely right. Why do I always let him win? Why am I still writing this? I could be in bed by now. I could be sawing logs. I could be watching an episode of M*A*S*H and heading off to sleep. Yet, I keep typing. I want to stop every three words and do a word count. I know it's only three more words, but some part of my brain still thinks magic sometimes happens. The other part of my brain knows I have Swiss cheese for brains, so while I might think I have only typed in three more words, I might have typed in three hundred, or none. It's always a shock.
Four hundred four. Is this not the most excruciating thing you have every read. Why are you still reading this? There isn't going to be anything here that's worth reading. I think you are a words in a line addict. You just have to read everything you see, don't you. No cereal box is safe. You even try to make out what they are saying in the Spanish and French version of the instructions, don't you? All because there is a live of words. You must read them because they are there. Well, there is nothing here. Keep reading if you must. I promise you, disappointment is coming your way. No way to stop it now.
Five hundred twenty four.
The funny thing is, I saw this as something to your benefit. NaNoWriMo was your idea. I was already putting up 1000+ words a day and would have continued. Eventually, I would have written something decentish. In fact, on the whole I would rather wait and write something good rather than shit out some psuedo-novel in a month. But I saw in your interest in NaNoWriMo an opportunity to get you writing daily, even if it is only 500 words.
We both whine about wanting to be writers. To do that, we have to write. Instead of the pissing contest, friendly and tame as it may be, how about we just write because it is what we want to do and let it lead to where it may?
Tis up to thou.
Dude, you forgot "R". And, yes, I do read cereal boxes.(shampoo bottles, instructions, owner's manuals, t-shirts, bumper stickers, bad novels, surgeon generals' warnings; heck, I even keep my tv set to closed captions)
That's normal, right?
For as many times as you checked the word count... you didn't once hit the spell check, did you? Did you?!?!
I realized I forgot "R" right after I posted it. I was wondering if anyone else would notice. Joan, I don't know if it's a good or bad thing that you did indeed notice.
I did run a spell check. One of the benefits of modern blogging is the plethora of spell check tools. When Max and I used to hand code the blog, I wrote in a text editor without spell check. I could have written in Word, but it was a big deal to reformat the text once it was typed out to get it into the text editor and into HTML - it was faster to just live with the spelling errors.
Now, there is a spell check in Blogger, and since word count was an issue, I used the new Google Docs feature, which also has a spell check. If something went sideways with my spelling, I apologize, I probably shouldn't trust Google's spell checkers too much. The Spell checker on is barely useable and nearly useless. My favorite thing is that it always marks the words "blog" and "blogger" as misspelled! Max, would that be irony?
Do you mean: "Aye"?
I meant "arrrr".
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