Sunday, October 22, 2006

Max: Brain Dump 1011

I am writing this at I am accessing through Firefox. I am running Firefox on Fedora Linux.

Thanks to VMWare's virtual machine software, I now can run just about any flavor of Linux. So far I have loaded up both Ubuntu and Fedora. Fedora is proving to be the better distro. Ubunutu is supposed to be your mom's Linux, the Linux for the non-geek masses. Perhaps it is, but I prefer a more obedient OS. Fedora may be the bastard child of Red Hat, but it seems more inclined to do what it is told. I will likely try other distros, but for now it is Fedora for me.

A few millenia ago, when I was just starting as a support tech at a small dialup ISP, 90% of the tools I used in the course of my job were Linux CLI based. By the time I moved on to another ISP, I had become something a Linux power user. I was able to keep my skills sharp despite working mainly in Windows at my new job because, back then, telnet access to a Linux CLI was a standard part of dialup service. Most people didn't use it, but I loved it.

As time went on, Linux access became harder to come by. I made a few attempts to load it onto one of my computers. I had SUSE loaded onto one of my desktops a few years ago, but that got lost in in the course of system restoration and other repairs. A little later I loaded it on to Starbug's predecessor. The only problem was that I could only load the CLI. Xwindows did not like my laptop. I would have eventually tried again on Starbug, but either time was short or I was too depressed to move. Just in time for me to get my depression under control, I found the free version of VMWare Player and a little fiddling later, I am back in Linux world. As a bonus, as it is running in a virtual machine so no matter how badly I hose my Linux install, I won't hurt my computer or XP. I am free to hack at will.

Sadly, most of my mad Linux skillz have dulled over the past few year, I am going to have to hunt up a Linux primer so I can get back in shape. Once I become a Linux guru, I am going to build my own custom distro and kiss Windows goodbye.

Of course, I am not there yet. In fact, I have shut down Player and am now writing this from Firefox on XP.

I started my day at Taiko. Based on the fact that others in the class tend to get more coaching than I do, I must conclude that I am either doing remarkably well or am just plain hopeless. Do you want to know something cool? I don't care which it is. I am having so much fun that genius or hopeless doesn't matter. When I feel like I am getting something, like then practice routines we are starting to go through, I am in a state of bliss banging away on my gomi-bako taiko. When feel like I am struggling, I laugh at my mistakes and keep on banging on my drum.

After Taiko my day was dedicated to playing with Linux. I didn't do any math or bass geeking so I shall have to make up for that tomorrow. Outside of that, I have not done much today.

I have been staring at the screen for 20 minutes and this thing still isn't writing itself.

I am in the living room as I write this. Adi is sleeping on the other couch. Whenever she is sleeping, the tip of her tongue sticks out of her mouth just a little. Sometimes it will stay stuck out for a few seconds after she wakes up, making her look even more goofy that usual. As Minzy isn't in here barking at me to get my attention, I am guessing she is sleeping in one of the kennels. I should go look. She almost always contorts herself into the weirdest positions when she is sleeping in a kennel.

Until yesterday, I have not had a ready supply of Coke Zero for a few weeks. In desperation I turned to water. I drink at least 1.5 litres of water a day and I learning that I don't give water enough credit. Sometimes I get a little run down and light headed during the day. In the past I turned to caffeine to chase it away. Without Coke or Red Bull, all I had was water. Even though it was caffeine free, I found that water is at least as effective at re-energizing me. It would seem that insufficient hydration can cause energy to drop and rehydrating can clear it up.

Now I have Coke in the house again, but now I just take the occasional sip for flavor. The rest of the time I am guzzling H2O. Not only do I find myself feeling less rundown, but I am less flatulent as well and my lips don't get anywhere near as chapped. Drink water my brothers and sisters. It is good and good for you.

It is late and my brain is getting ever foggier. I am listening to King's X's Live All Over The Place. I was hoping dUg - that's not a typo - and the boys would power me up with their Beatles meet Slayer rocking. But even that isn't keeping me awake.

I do have one question, though. This is as much for Jericho as anyone. I called and still call the war in Iraq needless. Jericho disagrees with me and we are both quite convinced that the other is being blindly irrational. But one thing that bugs me is that in a comment to is post, he indicated that I was calling for the complete disbanding of the US military. It was my intention to speak against the war in Iraq, not against the military in general. I would like for Jer and anyone else who cares to offer comment, what exactly did I say that would confuse someone into thinking I was calling for the us military to be disbanded?

With that, I am going to bed.


Blogger Jericho Brown said...

Alright, I got a little over zealous.

I just kept taking the arguement to the next step in my head.

I think I have a chip on my shoulder when it comes to people misunderstanding the role of the military. I'm pretty sure that chip was placed there and then glued down and finally implanted after 15 years of having this argument with you, Max! :)

I wish the world were a happier place. I think it could be. But, I sleep pretty well knowing that the Army, Air Force, Navy and let's not forget the Marines are out there somewhere, protecting my freedom and my ass.

October 22, 2006 10:28 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

Most of the world sleeps well because of our military. I am not the naive ancharcist-pacifist I was in high school. I have managed to figure out the difference between the ideal and the real. I do look at the world as it could be and ask, "Why not?" But that doesn't mean I don't see the world as it is.

October 23, 2006 4:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You did forget the National Guard and Coast Guard, Jer. :P

October 23, 2006 10:05 AM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

You are sorta correct. I forgot the heroes in white and red that are the Coast Guard.

Dubya's shining service record proves the value of The National Guard. If they want to prove me wrong, all they have to do is deliver a dishonorable discharge to the President ...

October 30, 2006 1:12 PM  

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