Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Max: Brain Dump 11000

I am not sure if I will be updating Life At Low G today or not. I will be working on it, but I plan to only release it in doses of 1000 words or more. So far the only reaction I have gotten is from Laura and she just likes the fact that the main character is bisexual and polyamorous. I can't say I am at all satisfied. I like the basic premise and I have enjoyed writing it. However, the story is short on character development, detail and action. I am hoping to change that.

This is my first attempt at a longer work since I wrote my first - crappy - novel. This too is shaping up to be yet another practice work, so any feedback is welcome.

It was a hell of a night last night. The Dems have taken the house and are close to taking over the Senate. The Dems now also hold a majority of Governorships. That will be very important in the long term. Governors elected last night will be Governors in 2008 and their political machines will only help the Dem Presidential candidate. If they manage to hold a majority of Governorships in 2010, the Dems will have a lot of say in drawing new Congressional districts.

The Dems are already backing away from an immediate withdrawal from Iraq. They don't have a veto-proof majority and Shrub will be able to spin the withdrawal as a sign of weakness on the Dems part. That said, the Dems will have influence over Iraq policy. Hopefully they will get shit organized and at least speed up the day we can leave Iraq without looking weak.

As things stand, it looks like we may not know who controls the Senate until a Virginia recount which won't even start until 11/27.

In a few hours, we will get Shrub's reaction. I just wonder if he will be the realist Clinton was when the R's took Congress in '94, or if he will try to convince us that Congress is irrelevant, that he is the "decider".

In Missouri we kicked out our Republican Senator. We gave raised our minimum wage to $6.50 and said that the minimum wage should be automatically increased in direct proportion to increase in the cost of living. We gave tax breaks to Veteran's organizations. We decided that any elected or judicial official who is impeached should lose his or her pension. And in a rare victory for science, it looks like we guaranteed the legality of stem cell research.

For those that care about such things, yes this post is less than 1000 words. That just means that I need to write at least 500 words for LALG. I will be shooting for 1000, but I want those to be 1000 worthwhile words. Doing about 500 words in a Brain Dump and cutting my word debt to my story will give me more breathing room and allow me to really think if I am telling the story in the best way possible.



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