Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Jericho: Attacking with Absurdity

The Honoray Irate Weirdo award goes to The Defense of Marriage Alliance. They are trying to pass a most interesting Initiative here in WA. The Initiative process in WA is always an interesting thing and this is one of the toppers!

A part of me wants this Initiative to pass. Sure, it will mean Steph and I will have to get married every three years, but, at least it will make sense - unlike the current babble about marriage in this country.


Blogger Laura said...

But what if the Initiative actually passes?? Will people who are married but have adopted children going to have to get divorced and give the kids back? I can just see it happening- in the kind of country we live in these days. There will be all these Righty Christians saying "THAT'S what we've been trying to SAY! This initiative ROCKS!" and they'll vote it though and good people will suffer. It would just figure. I mean, who'd have thunk George Dubya would have gotten re-elected??? No one... but it happened.

February 07, 2007 2:34 PM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

THere is some risk to this. I was talking with a friend yesterday. She has a child with a man, both are still involved in the child's life and in each other's lives, but they have never been legally married. He recently married someone from another country. If this law went through, my friend would be married to this man and his new marriage would either be anulled or he could be claimed a bigamist and coulf do jail time! His new wife would no longer be a citizen and would be shipped back to her country.

It's just for this kind of chaos that this iniative will not get passed. Even if it gets passed, the politicos in Olympia will down it in months.

I'm just hoping this will inspire people in other states to try similar tactics. The Reich isn't listening to reason, maybe they will listen to dirty legislating tricks!

February 08, 2007 11:02 AM  

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