Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Max: Ghosts of George

Teenage drinkers face alcohol test - health - 14 February 2007 - New Scientist

Big Brother has arrived at a high school in New Jersey. Determined to stop their students consuming alcohol at weekends, staff at Pequannock Township High School in Morris county are to start using a controversial test that can detect if students have been drinking up to a week earlier.


Blogger Laura said...

That is jacked up. I mean... what people do on their own time is up to them. If they students up their schooling because their parents aren't doing their jobs, than that's what they get. Cause and affect, bitches.

February 14, 2007 10:28 PM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

It's just never going to end.

Technology is going to keep pushing forward. New solutions for old problems will be found, especially legitimate problems. People will find unintended ways to use new solutions - especially if they are illegitimate.

People are always going to find new ways to take away the rights and freedoms of others. It has happened from the begining of history and it looks like it will never stop. The free must keep vigilant and fight for their rights or they will lose them to the cowards who are willing to trade freedom for security.

And the children are the worse hit. Parents want to protect their children, and naturally they should. But many parents want to go overboard. Protecting children has been an over used justification for lessening the freedoms of other individuals in this country for too many years.

The kids suffer the worst. Life is pain. Kids who grow up thinking that everything is good and nothing bad can happen are in for a rude awakening. Parents who think that keeping their children hidden from the horrors of the world are bound to have their families grow unexpectedly - or shrink just as unexpectedly.

The right thinking parents and kids will fight back and they will win. Too many of us want our freedoms and the Constitution grants us those freedoms. But, it's not easy and having the majority being just right of center doesn't help.

February 16, 2007 1:07 PM  

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