Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Max: Miracle Fruit

Eat Foo: Post-Rapture Miracle Fruit Recap

Miracle fruit is not mind-blowing, but it's very, very cool. If you have the choice, go for the magic mushrooms, but otherwise miracle fruit is one of the weirdest food-induced experiences one can have. It's like some weird new experiment from Willy Wonka's factory, only Willy Wonka is some shady horticulturist from Fort Lauderdale known to the world only through his cryptic messages on obscure gardening blogs. But he came through.

The miracle fruit experience itself was awesome. I've tried it three times now. The fruits definitely vary in potency, although I don't know whether the potency is altered by what one has eaten before the miracle fruit. Some people seemed to have a more mild experience, and others' tastes were drastically altered. No one got a dud. Even the three times I tried it, it was different each time. The first time was more mild, the second (at the party) was quite dramatic, and the third was more mild again.


Blogger Jericho Brown said...

Wow. That was a total lack of information. Thanks, Max. :)

For a second I thought this was an article on some psychadelic fruit. But, it's not. It's about this fruit.

February 06, 2007 10:51 AM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

Oh noes! Did I show an interest in something Jericho couldn't care less about?

Bad Max! (hits self repeatedly)

February 06, 2007 10:56 AM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

Ummmm, stop hitting yourself and actually read what I wrote. You pointed to an article that talks about a subject but doesn't really tell you about the subject.

"We did this cool thing with a thing that was cool. It was so cool."

At the end of the article I had no idea what Miracle Fruit might have been, especially since the guy brought up Magic Mushrooms in the first few sentances and mushroom growers call the product of their labors "fruit" - see ... ol'Jericho knows some shit about drugs, too.

That's why I pointed to the Wikipedia article, so our other reader might have a chance to figure out what was being talked about. I mean, I had to go look it up myself, might as well save our other reader the effort.

You can go back to hitting yourself now.

February 06, 2007 9:50 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

Seemed straightforward enough to me.

February 07, 2007 9:05 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

Jer's right, really. I had no clue at first either. Then I followed Jericho's link. However, I probably would have Googled it myself one way or the other, so he just saved me some typing is all.

February 07, 2007 2:42 PM  

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