Thursday, April 05, 2007

Jericho: Get on the scales, please.

We ordered a (hugely!) expensive scale. Most scales bought at the local mega-store only go to 300 pounds. If I only weighed 300, I probably wouldn't be worried about my weight! The scales with the little sliders that are popular in doctor's offices and gyms usually only go to 350. When I last got weighed, I was 507. If I was going to monitor my weight, I needed something with more power!

We found a scale online that went up to 440 for an okay price. It wouldn't help me immediately, but we wouldn't have to sell a kidney to buy it, either. Steph thought that was good, but when she got online, she found a scale that went to 660 and it was only twice as expensive! Oy!

Anyway, she talked me into it and we ordered it. Then, it was back ordered, then, it was WAY back ordered. Steph cancelled that order and tried another online store. Sure, they could get it to us right away. Then they were back ordered!

It finally arived last night. Steph immediatly jumped on it - she had lost 9 pounds in three weeks! Nice! She came and drug me away from WoW. The scale read 492. That's 15 pounds in three weeks. Not bad.

This morning, Steph was on the scale again. She reasoned that when we weighed in at the ER, it was closer to 4 in the morning. So, weighing in earlier in the day would give a more accurate reading. I personally think she wanted to try it nude, just after morning evacuations so she could see more weight gone. Either way, she was further down the list - she was at 15 pounds off! She made me get on, the scale read 486, that's 21 pounds since March 19th. That's more than a pound a day.

So, my first goal was more of a psychological goal. I wanted to get below 500 pounds. The thought of being 500 pounds just makes me sick. That goal is accomplished - check! My next goal also has a psychological element. When I hit 475, I'll be back where I started dieting a couple years ago. At my current rate, I'll be there in two weeks. Wish me luck!


Blogger Laura said...

Good luck, Jer! Sounds like whatever you're doing is working. Keep it up!

April 05, 2007 10:23 AM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

Such weighty matter.

April 05, 2007 12:01 PM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

What am I doing? I'm glad somebody asked! :)

I'm doing low carb, low sugar, low salt and high protein. During the day at work I eat a series of mini-meals (which means I'm eating something about once an hour.) These meals consist of: Two Slim Fast Low Carb shakes - total 380 cals, two Adkins bars - total 360 cals, one store brand "Lite" yogurt - 100 cals, one Dannon yogurt smoothie (taken with my meds) - 60 cals. I usually supplement with two 1 oz. sticks of cheese - 200 cals. That's 1100 calories for the morning. Depending on busy-ness at work, I might not get to all of that. Dinner is 6 to 8 (maybe more!) ounces of meat, a pile of veggies and probably some ranch dressing or butter. In all, I'm around 2000 to 2500 calories, without a lot of counting or work. Steph throws my food for the day together in two minutes just by tossing a bunch of stuff and a cold pack into an insulated lunch bag. On previous diets, she was up spending a half hour to an hour cooking every morning for the two of us.

Many in the diet industry poo-poo prepackaged foods. Too many additives, preservatives, etc. Good for them and their body/temples. Ease of use is my primary concern. If it isn't easy, I won't do it.

Protein here is important. During the day I'm getting nearly 100 grams of protein. Night time protein consumption depends on the type and amount of meat eatten, but you get the idea. Last night we ate out - Red Robin has a dish called "Burger 'n Greens. It's essentially a salad with a burger patty on top. We ordered ours with a second patty. So, 8 ounces of meat at about 600 calories, two slices of cheese for another 200, plus two ounces of Ranch dressing. I'm sure there is incidental calories for the veggies, and my calculations might be off, but the point is that I'm real close and I don't want to spend my time thinking "Is that 10 or 15 calories?" - that thought alone burned 5, so why worry?

April 05, 2007 12:21 PM  

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