Saturday, May 12, 2007

Max: Back From The Dead

We have been without AC for a few weeks now. Our house has been an oven. Unfortunately, I didn't think about heat's adverse effect on computers until Starbug started spontaneously rebooting. I shut it down and let it cool down for a few hours. When I tried to restart, it was hosed. I booted to a live Linux CD to see if I could recover anything. It looked like at the very least that my HD was fried. The thing is, I can't afford a new computer. Even if I could, I would really rather wait until I can at least get a a 500 gig HD on a laptop. It would seem my computer mojo is better than I thought. I was able to get the HD working again, but my data was lost.

Seeing as how I was starting from scratch, I decided to give Windows the heave ho. I loaded Ubuntu Linux. So far, it is working a treat except that I have yet to get my wireless card mounted.

Finally some good news. My computer is alive, and thanks to a window unit, we have something resembling AC. If someone would give me a freaking job, I would be in heaven.


Blogger Unknown said...

Congrats on the HD, you appear to be a rockstar! I know how much a window unit can save life as you know it. We had a similar experience with a window unit in our house in Tukwila. Thanks to two windows (each being 84 inches wide) our livingroom was also an oven and was usually 20 degrees or more warmer than the outside air. We pretty much lived in the bedroom with the ac unit between May and the end of October. It will be interesting to see how apartment life treats us. We're not allowed to have a window unit. :(

May 13, 2007 7:02 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

You don't have central air in your apartment?? wtf? That's so foreign to me. Around here, you'd be pressed to find a home WITHOUT a/c. Just one of the down sides of living in an apartment, I guess. :(

May 14, 2007 9:45 AM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

AC, on a residential scale, is only useful a few weeks out of the year here. In previous apartments, a couple of good fans have gotten us through. It just doesn't get terribly hot out here for very long.

We'll probably buy ourselves a portable AC system. We'll use it for a month and then it will take up valuable storage space for the rest of the year.

May 14, 2007 11:58 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think Jason just hit that one on the head. Central A/C just isn't a year round thing here. The apartments that do have central air go for around $1600-$1700/month. MUUUUCH more than I am willing to pay for rent!

May 14, 2007 3:25 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Shit, I know what you guys pay for your apartment w/o the a/c, and THAT'S "muuuuch" more than I'd pay for rent. hehehe.

May 14, 2007 3:38 PM  

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