I was just sending an email to a couple of friends using my favorite emailin' tool; Gmail. I included the word "Jericholicious" in my message and then performed a spell check. Of course the ever vigilant Gmail spell checker felt this word was in error - as I knew it would. However, for giggles (of which I got a few!) I went ahead and checked the list of word replacements that were suggested. The first word at the top of the list was:
Insert your own punchline here. :)
Insert your own punchline here. :)
You do realize that we now have your porn name:
Taint Crotchless.
That has got to be a compliment!
How do you get compliment out of that?
Easy, You+licious=crotchless. By all of the authority of Google, you are officially delicious in something crotchless. Obviously your spellchecker finds you sexy! Didn't everyone see it that way?
Or I am in the habit of looking too hard for compliments. It's a coin toss!
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