Friday, August 24, 2007

Jericho: All Hail the End of "Reality" TV

Have you read this?

FOX and other networks have got to be getting the picture by now. Taking a stupid person(s) and putting them in front of a camera without a script does not good television make.

I mean, really, FOX, when are you going to get this? The era is over. You have beaten this dead horse enough. You cancel shows like "Firefly" that are excellent before they get a chance to get a following (did you see how much the movie and DVD sales made?) and then you kept putting idiots and midgets on the air hoping to drag in ratings.

I never thought I'd say this, but it's obvious from the ratings that the American people are smarter than that!

FOX, look at your biggest successes - what do they have in common? Look at The Simpsons and The X-Files and even - like a FOX News wet-dream - 24. All of them have great acting and great writing. Solid shows built on solid premises and real possibilities for entertainment.

FOX isn't the only culprit - I'm looking at you MTV.

I don't watch a lot of TV anymore (cuts into my WoW time) - but I do wish that there was more better TV. Heck, I might watch more if there was something to watch!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched most of that trainwreck ... I mean "show" ... "Anchorwoman" and all I could think was "WTF is this?" I kept wondering that throughout the whole wreck. Yes, I'm guilty of mostly watching it once, but only because I sat down to eat dinner and it was the first thing on. I vowed never to waste another hour of my life on that ridiculous pile of #$@%.

I agree with the author of the blog, put great stories on and people will watch, put !@#$ like this on and people will abandon TV altogether..... I know I have been more and more.

August 24, 2007 10:45 AM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

Go git'em, Anony!

Abandon TV ... that has a nice ring to it. An URL-like feeling ... :)

August 24, 2007 12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm leaning that way/// Why TV? It seems to be going the way of the 8 track tape(showing my age). If series like Firefly and others, are cancelled they just aren't getting it! What polls are they looking at? More important, who are they polling!
Karen - Bring Back Red Dwarf!! (Showing my age, again, but I'm flexible!)

August 25, 2007 12:35 PM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

Oh, Karen!!

You so fell in the right group when it comes to Red Dwarf!

I'm a huge fan. Max is a huge fan. Max met his wife, Laura (one of our frequent commentors) on a Red Dwarf chat room (or something like that) ...

I doubt you will find anyone here who thinks bringing back Red Dwarf would be a bad idea.

They are a perfect example of what I'm talking about. They couldn't rely on special effects because they had no budget. So they spent their money on great actors and excellent writing.

If you put Craig Charles in front of the camera without a script, all you get is his goofy face and probably his wacko poetry! :)

Bring back the Dwarf!!!

August 26, 2007 8:28 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

*chants* Bring back the Dwarf!
Bring back the Dwarf!
Bring back the Dwarf!

Max and I met on a Prodigy Bulletin Board dedicated to Red Dwarf. I was bitching that Chan 9 never played it anymore, and he realized I'm from St. Louis, so we got to talking. We met on the Internet before meeting on the Internet was "in". :D

August 27, 2007 1:33 AM  

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