Jericho: Should have let Colbert play!
We all knew Colbert was just joking. It was a publicity stunt. But, even so, this kind of stuff is just stupid.
How is it a waste of time to put someone on the ballot?
"Oh! It costs us 20k!" Big deal! Throw another $500 a plate dinner. Call it "The Colbert drove us to bankruptcy" dinner! People will eat it up!
"He'll take votes from serious candidates!" Listen, if your lame duck candidate can't excite a voter enough to keep him from voting for a comedian - who's not a nationally viable candidate now? I'm looking at you, Obama!
"He's not nationally viable!" If we are using that argument, no one should be on the ballot but Hillary. She's going to get the nomination. Why not save the 20k per head and just put only Hillary on the ballot? Oh, yeah, I remember now! This is America and we are pretending to be a democracy - only the pretense breaks down in the face of a comedian with national support!
I'm embarrassed for my party of choice. I'm sure it won't be the last time I will feel this way this year.
How is it a waste of time to put someone on the ballot?
"Oh! It costs us 20k!" Big deal! Throw another $500 a plate dinner. Call it "The Colbert drove us to bankruptcy" dinner! People will eat it up!
"He'll take votes from serious candidates!" Listen, if your lame duck candidate can't excite a voter enough to keep him from voting for a comedian - who's not a nationally viable candidate now? I'm looking at you, Obama!
"He's not nationally viable!" If we are using that argument, no one should be on the ballot but Hillary. She's going to get the nomination. Why not save the 20k per head and just put only Hillary on the ballot? Oh, yeah, I remember now! This is America and we are pretending to be a democracy - only the pretense breaks down in the face of a comedian with national support!
I'm embarrassed for my party of choice. I'm sure it won't be the last time I will feel this way this year.
They might have done him a favor. Using his show to promote his campaign, and the fact that he was openly sponsored by Doritos (as opposed to being secretly sponsored by Halliburtin), would have put him well in violation of federal election law.
That said, I think that parties should be able to control who is listed as a member of their party. However, the ballot should be open to anyone who wants to run. It's just that some would be non-partisan.
Ya know, if they had said "Hey, he's in violation of election law" - I would have been okay with that. The reasons that they gave sucked.
Hmmmm ... sounds like my argument when Dubya declared war on Iraq.
I am certain that election law had little to do with their decision. Regardless of what they said, they only considered one thing; whether this make it more likely that we will keep control of Congress and win the White House. They just saved him some potential headaches in the process.
Hmmmm ... sounds like my argument when Dubya declared war on Iraq.
Frighteningly unsound? Demonstrably wrong? An embarrassment? A bloody minded insistence on ignoring facts? Shocking in their failure to be even partially right?
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