Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Jericho: Wanna be "dangerous"?

Read this article and laugh at George Bush!

According to the new estimates, Iran has stopped its nuke program. Even if it restarted its program, it wouldn't have enough enriched, weapons grade uranium until at least 2010, but probably closer to 2015.

However, enriched uranium could do more for the electrical power needs of that country than it could for building one, count'em, ONE bomb.

The Bush administration has repeatedly touted the joy and beauty that is nuclear power. But, when a country, who might have some questionable values and goals, gets enough enriched uranium to build a nuclear power plant, suddenly they are "dangerous". What? Did Haliburton lose the contract to build the plant?

I love this quote: "...Iran will be dangerous if they have the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon" - ummm, Dubya, buddy - that's not exactly top secret info any more. Fifty or sixty years ago, maybe. But not today!

So, just to make sure that we are all "dangerous" - here is all the info you will need to build a nuclear bomb. That's right! If you read the previous link, you will have "the knowledge". You won't have enough fissionable materials - but neither does Iran - so you, too, can be a rogue state and a future nuclear power!

If you can obtain some fissionable material, either from a friendly rogue state, a friendly rogue U.S. agency or your local University - you, too, can join the Nuclear Club.

Dubya, pal, have a look at the Internet some time. The truth is out there.


Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

May I add that Grand Ayatollah Khamenei (Iran's powerful religious and military leader) issued a fatwa banning the development of nuclear weapons.

Additionally, although there are plenty of nuts willing to die for Allah, no one in Iran's leadership wants to see their country turned into a nuclear wasteland - the inevitable result of nuking Israel.

December 04, 2007 11:39 AM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

Speaking of unstable regimes, is anyone else as frightened of Israel as I am? To my knowledge there is no separation of church and state. They are are more than happy to die for their religion. To top it all off, they make no secret that not only do they have the bomb, they have many.

I know we keep them on a short leash, but what would it take for our government to let go of that leash? Or for them to shake loose of it? What would be the result if they did?

December 04, 2007 3:18 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

The leash is not going anywhere. No one in the US ever gained politically from speaking ill, much less calling for an end to the funding, of Israel.

As for Israel, aid from the US is a pretty big chunk of their economy.

December 04, 2007 3:26 PM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

Right now I'm listening to the press conference referred to in this CNN article.

Just before he said his lovely quote, he said something else even more amazing. Iran stopped their nuclear program in 2003. Bush just got that info .... last week.

For those of you that survived our country's education system and thus can't do math, that's four years!

Shouldn't the prez have known this before he went around saying that Iran was going to start WWIII???

December 05, 2007 12:14 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

I have no doubt he was well aware of it. He was just trying to sit on it long enough to carry his Holy Crusade to Tehran. But it seems the some in the intelligence community just had to go and ruin Armageddon.

December 05, 2007 1:36 PM  

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