Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Max: Agree to Disagree, as Long as You Shut the Fuck Up

Archbishop Burke wants infidel punished

St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke said this morning that St. Louis University basketball coach Rick Majerus should be disciplined over his public comments supporting abortion rights and stem cell research.

Majerus made his comments at a campaign appearance for Hillary Rodham Clinton on Saturday night during an interview with KMOV (Channel 4).

During an interview with the Post-Dispatch today in Washington, where Burke is attending the March for Life, he said the coach should be disciplined.

"It's not possible to be a Catholic and hold those positions," Burke said. "When you take a position in a Catholic university, you don't have to embrace everything the Catholic church teaches. But you can't make statements which call into question the identity and mission of the Catholic church."


Blogger Jericho Brown said...

And the Church wonders why attendance is flagging and there are fewer and fewer converts in this country.

Hell, I'd rather go dance naked in the woods with the liberal Wiccan hippies around here than put up with the Church.

Whatever you think about the Church and its issues, if you think abortion is right or wrong, whatever - I don't care. I'm sick and tired of people telling me "This is what you should think, say and do because we say so."

If there is a God, god, Goddess, Flying Spaghetti Monster, whatever - they gave me a brain and I can bloody well think for myself.

January 22, 2008 1:20 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

Burke fits in well with Der Furer-Pope's regime.

January 23, 2008 5:35 PM  

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