Thursday, January 10, 2008

Max: New Hampshire Primary

Clinton v McCaine


A few years ago this matchup would have given me an erection. I didn't always agree with them, but they had appeal. McCaine was one of the few Republicans who did not suck up to the religious reich and he had that crusty Goldwater appeal. Then he started kissing up to the christianists.

Clinton I liked because she is a Clinton. She was as good as being President when Bill was in charge and things were far better then. Then, she said she would "consider" relinquishing "some" of the Unconstitutional powers Shrub has assumed. Any candidate who does not stand for a return to the Constitution and separation of powers is unacceptable. Of course, that stance severely limits my choices (Obama, Dodd and Elf-Boy on the Dem side and Paul on the Rep side). Also it may come down to a choice between one pseudo-dictator wannabe and another. If these two are my choice of poisons, I guess Clinton wins. I'll take a Left-Center dictator over yet another christianist puppet any day.


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