Friday, March 14, 2008

Max: Dang Gubmint!

I worked 18 hours of overtime overtime during the last pay period. It can be a little tiring, but liking my jobs helps. It also helps that, for the first time I can recall, we are caught up on our bills and still have some money left over. Outside of groceries that money is going to stay put so we can stay ahead of the curve. If we get far enough ahead we may be able to make the first contribution to my IRA in over a decade.

The one thing that bugs me is that my deductions and my overtime pay were basically equal. As I was getting time in a half, that means that I spend 27 hours every two weeks working for the government. I and glad to pay my share, to help pay for the police, fire protection, WIC, EBT, etc. I am glad to pay our overextended, underpaid and misused military.

But there is still part of me that can't help thinking of how much better off we would be if we had that money in pocket.


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