Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Max: One Man Mindless Crowd

PsyBlog: I Can't Believe My Eyes: Conforming to the Norm

We all know that humans are natural born conformers - we copy each other's dress sense, ways of talking and attitudes, often without a second thought. But exactly how far does this conformity go? Do you think it is possible you would deny unambiguous information from your own senses just to conform with other people?

In the experiment, people ignored the evidence of their own senses in favor of conformity. I was alone when I looked at this and ignored the evidence of my own senses because I assumed it was an optical illusion. I had no solid reason to believe it was an optical illusion. I just assumed it was because it looked like some optical illusions I have seen. Somewhere in that must lie the explanation of at least some of my major malfunctions.


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