Jericho: Patterns
Long time readers of this site, both of you, know that I hate my job and am fat and feel like I have accomplished nothing.
That's still the case.
I've been in the same pattern since I was a teenager. I can't get any momentum under myself and usually the thing standing in my way is my own lack of confidence.
The last week or so I have been thinking about my writing again. I've repeatedly said for years I need a new career and that I would like that career to be "fiction writer".
I've been listening to a great audio book How I Write by Janet Evanovich. This book has been very inspirational. The last chapter of the book had a theme: "Write the damn book!"
I do want to write the book. I do. I have at least one book in me. The audio book is filled with questions from potential authors like me, they have all the same questions I have and the same doubts and fears. Yet, in with those fears, they are writing books. Not me. I'm too tired and I have video games to play and I suck at writing and whatever.
I have to find a way to break my pattern. Really break it. Radically break it. Burn down the house and rise from the ashes. Do something simply extravagant.
I just have no idea what.
That's still the case.
I've been in the same pattern since I was a teenager. I can't get any momentum under myself and usually the thing standing in my way is my own lack of confidence.
The last week or so I have been thinking about my writing again. I've repeatedly said for years I need a new career and that I would like that career to be "fiction writer".
I've been listening to a great audio book How I Write by Janet Evanovich. This book has been very inspirational. The last chapter of the book had a theme: "Write the damn book!"
I do want to write the book. I do. I have at least one book in me. The audio book is filled with questions from potential authors like me, they have all the same questions I have and the same doubts and fears. Yet, in with those fears, they are writing books. Not me. I'm too tired and I have video games to play and I suck at writing and whatever.
I have to find a way to break my pattern. Really break it. Radically break it. Burn down the house and rise from the ashes. Do something simply extravagant.
I just have no idea what.
Get fired, go on the dole, cut one computer off from the net, uninstall anything that might distract you, and fucking write.
That's a plan, you just missed a few steps. Between "dole" and "cut", you missed the step "sign wife's divorce papers". Lawyers being what they are, I wouldn't get to keep any of my computers, so I would be "cutting a pile of recycled paper out of the bin" - which is stealing. Knowing my luck I'd get caught and be sent to jail. Thus, the "uninstall" point would be replaced with "install brothel in your anus". The last point would then of course be "and fucking write some country music" ...
However, all of this is moot. Your first step will never happen. One can not get fired from Hell ...
Then make a deal with the Wife and yourself. 1 hour a day (or if that is unlikely given your schedule, try 4 hours a weekend) is for writing. Not surfing, not gaming, not husbanding.
Or give up and become a willing accomplice in your descent into your own crapulence.
Before you say it, yes I am trying to remove the splinter from your eye before removing the beam from my own.
One of us is going to figure this one out and then lead the other one on to greatness!
I know. That is why I want you to get fucking on with it so I can ride those coattails.
C'mon, Jericho, visualize the friggin swoosh and "Just Do It."
I hate when we let thinking become a complete substitute for doing. Ecspecially when one seems best at thinking up obstacles that prohibit doing.
And, yes, I am also saying this regardless of the beam in my eye.
Good luck.
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