Monday, June 16, 2008

Jericho: Montage?

I could use a montage more than any white man in history!

I'm back on the diet. I'm trying to integrate the dieting with the exercising. I started last Monday. I was sick Tuesday and Wednesday (Typical!). So far I've gotten on the treadmill last Monday, Saturday and today. I'm gonna keep trying.

Last Monday I expected to weigh 520. I weighed 517 - close enough. My highest weight to date. Steph got me to get on the scale Friday, I weighed 505. No typo. Last night I got on the scale, I weighed 510. Either the scale is just wrong, my body has gone insane or some whacky, mind-crushing combination thereof.

I'm still aiming for 200 pounds overall. I'd like to see 400 by the end of this calendar year. But my immediate concern isn't weight loss. My immediate goal is to spend as much time as I and, more importantly, my knees, can stand on the treadmill. My doctor tells me that the edema on my ankles and feet will go down and eventually go away with more exercise. So, my immediate goal is to get rid of the edema - the less I look like Baron Harkonnen, the better!


Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

A few years ago, I told you my goal weight is 91 kilograms, 200 yanqui pounds, you were certain that success would leave me a few grams lighter than a particularly skinny skeleton. I even mentioned that my doctor said my ideal weight is 91 kg and you suggested that alone called his medical skills into question.

I just need to know who proved to be more believable that me, despite the sheer number of times I tend to be proven right.

Not being snotty. I'm just curious.

June 16, 2008 8:15 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Snot. ;) (j/k)

Max SHOULD be using his exercise bike daily. Everyone should pester him about it. He seems like he's in a better mood since he started, and loosing a few pounds won't kill him.

I, on the other hand, haven't found that thing I wouldn't mind doing daily... except maybe "Sweatin' to the Oldies"... that's now on DVD... if someone wants to send me a prezzy...


Jer-- I hope you make it to 400. Don't give up!!!

June 16, 2008 10:07 PM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

How many years ago was this, Max?

However long it has been, you have indeed been proven correct. The medical establishment has beat into my head that for my height I should weigh 170 lbs.

At the time I called Max's doctor's skillz into question, I was also probably dealing with another delusion. That being, I just can not see myself weighing 200 pounds. Can't. Impossible. Do you know how long it's been since I weighed 200 pounds? I don't know either. I think I was in grade school.

So, yes, there was a time I had a serious blind-spot about what was a reasonable weight and what wasn't. Since then, I've learned what a BMI index is, I've read Dr. Atkins' book and I've read The Hacker's Diet.

I'm sure at 90k, Max will be a svelte athlete. He will also get there a helluva lot faster than I will!

June 17, 2008 9:49 AM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

A mentally unstable geek never forgets.

I do have a 81kg head start. I don't know why I managed to only top out at 162kg (a little under 26 stone). It seems unlikely that I am much more active or eat much better. I'm down to 154kg because I ate sensibly and was relatively active back somewhere around November of aught-five. How I have stayed there is a mystery.

June 17, 2008 10:13 AM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

I'm really mad at myself. When I was doing heavy Atkins, what, four years ago? I was able to get down to 425. Since then I have nearly put on a hundred pounds. (About 7 Stone - who the fuck measures in units of 14 pounds? Fucking limeys!)

If I had stuck with that diet, I would have reached my goal weight long before now. It was pretty easy to follow, the weight was falling off. I wasn't even exercising!

Between then and now, I have developed a shit load of health issues. I'm on a CPAP. I have a bathroom counter that looks like it belongs in a pharmacy. I had a staph infection that tried to eat one of my edema-bloated legs, which still isn't fully healed after more than a year.

If I had just stuck to my fucking diet, I would be in decent health instead of being a fucking fat, bloat, weeping legged troll!

June 17, 2008 2:55 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

That's another thing. People my weight have edema, or at least swollen ankles of some sort. I don't. Kevin Smith said he realized he was becoming a fatass when he noticed his ankles were wider than his calves. He was at his Clerks weight - quite a bit thinner than I am now - at the time.

I've read that having a lot of belly fat, as I do, is the least healthy way of being fat. But I am the healthiest fatso I know. So far, I just have hypertension, depression and a bad back. Hunching over computers is as much the cause as being fat of my back trouble.

Regardless, at eighteen I was a bit more than 260 pounds. If at that time I had started losing a half a pound a week, I would have been down to 200 pounds just in time to start posting nekkid pictures of myself on the web. Forget four years ago. Neither four years ago nor (eek) nineteen years ago mean anything. All we can do is set ourselves up for how we will be four - and nineteen - years from now.

June 17, 2008 4:00 PM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

Max, your attitude scares me a little.

It scares me because as of two or so years ago, that was my attitude. My quote was "I am the fittest fat guy I know." And it was true. My doctor was worried I would develop diabetes, but other than being overweight, there was nothing treatable. Other than my low hormones.

Then, blam! My apnea suddenly grew up and started giving me heart palpitations. Or, did I just have an arrhythmia? Or, hey, lookit! His chest film is showing congestive heart failure! Put him on a beta blocker and diabetes meds!

My quote became "Congestive fucking heart WHAT?!"

I'm not saying you need to change your attitude. All I'm saying is: stop saying that! It's like deja vu or some étron.

Fat guys tempting the gods with their hubris never ends well!

June 17, 2008 4:51 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

No hubris here. I know my flubber is hurting me and has to go. I would rather be actually healthy rather than relatively healthy for someone grossly overweight.

June 17, 2008 5:13 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Explain to me why being belly fat (vs, ass fat??) is the least way to be fat. Other than the back issues, what difference does it make?

June 17, 2008 10:42 PM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

I've read a couple of articles on this. Apparently belly fat acts and reacts differently than other fat stores. If I find actual facts on the web, I'll post here.

From what I remember, belly fat produces its own hormones. One counteracts testosterone - that's at least one of the reasons why your hubby and I are hormone deficient. Another hormone blocks insulin, promoting Syndrome X or metabolic syndrome or insulin intolerance or whatever they are calling it this week.

Both of these things lead to - guess what?! That's right! More belly fat!!! Which then produces even more hormones which makes these syndromes worse producing more belly fat, etc. A downward, vicious cycle I wish I knew about when I was a teen ager instead of just being told that being fat was ugly and a sign of a weak character.

June 18, 2008 12:28 AM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

Here is an article on belly fat from the Mayo Clinic.

June 18, 2008 8:44 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

That really sucks, because I like guys with bellies. :(

June 19, 2008 2:25 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

You're going to loose your belly man one way or the other. Personally, I prefer the method that does not require a six foot deep hole.

June 19, 2008 2:56 PM  

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