Jericho: Billboard of Stupid
This is just great.
So, let me get this straight: this idiot thinks that if we put a Democrat in the Oval Office we'll have another September 11th-like tragedy. Interesting.
I love that this article is posted on FoxNews' web site. Why? Because both this idiot and FoxNews missed a vital point:
Bush was in office on 9/11!
That's right, a Republican. There was a Republican in office when 3000 Americans died. Was it his fault? Hmmm .... ?
I love how this guy also thinks the terrorists have something to do with high gas prices. Sir? Did you miss the boat? Ya know, the oil tanker that Chevron named "Condoleezza Rice"? Bush, Rice and many others in the Bush administration have major ties to Big Oil. Big Oil has been posting record profits in the last several years. And it never occurred to you, Mr. Billboard, that maybe, just maybe, Big Oil orchestrated all of this?
The perpetrators of 9/11 were in Afghanistan. Yet, we have five times as many troops in Iraq as Afghanistan. Why? I'll tell you why: Iraq has oil and Afghanistan has none! The hype and fear generated by 9/11 has allowed the Big Oil politicians to put together a war that not only uses untold amounts of oil but protects their oil interests. Meanwhile, speculators have driven up the price of oil on that fear.
In Iraq, they pay $.50 a gallon for gas, that's right, fifty cents - and those prices are subsidized with your tax dollars. We are paying nearly $5 a gallon and that includes taxes.
Big Oil is complaining that they can't use several areas that have been reserved, preserved for natural and human use. Yet, they sit on millions of unexplored acres. Why? It's too expensive, they whine! They have billions in profits, but it's too expensive to drill in ares that they have had left for years. Spend some money, Big Oil! Make some jobs, Big Oil! Drive down the price of gas, Big Oil! Or ... give up the rights to the land you are not using!
But they don't want that, do they? They want the market to remain up. They make more money and don't put out additional cost or effort.
So, I agree with Mr. Billboard. I believe the terrorists are in cahoots. I believe that they and Big Oil and the Automobile Manufacturers are have conspired to rob us all. If they haven't conspired, Big Oil has certainly taken advantage of this tragedy. They are profiting from 9/11 and from our dead soldiers. That's called Profiteering. It should also be called Treason.
Who is Big Oil? Look to the White House and you will see it's most obvious incarnation.
So, let me get this straight: this idiot thinks that if we put a Democrat in the Oval Office we'll have another September 11th-like tragedy. Interesting.
I love that this article is posted on FoxNews' web site. Why? Because both this idiot and FoxNews missed a vital point:
Bush was in office on 9/11!
That's right, a Republican. There was a Republican in office when 3000 Americans died. Was it his fault? Hmmm .... ?
I love how this guy also thinks the terrorists have something to do with high gas prices. Sir? Did you miss the boat? Ya know, the oil tanker that Chevron named "Condoleezza Rice"? Bush, Rice and many others in the Bush administration have major ties to Big Oil. Big Oil has been posting record profits in the last several years. And it never occurred to you, Mr. Billboard, that maybe, just maybe, Big Oil orchestrated all of this?
The perpetrators of 9/11 were in Afghanistan. Yet, we have five times as many troops in Iraq as Afghanistan. Why? I'll tell you why: Iraq has oil and Afghanistan has none! The hype and fear generated by 9/11 has allowed the Big Oil politicians to put together a war that not only uses untold amounts of oil but protects their oil interests. Meanwhile, speculators have driven up the price of oil on that fear.
In Iraq, they pay $.50 a gallon for gas, that's right, fifty cents - and those prices are subsidized with your tax dollars. We are paying nearly $5 a gallon and that includes taxes.
Big Oil is complaining that they can't use several areas that have been reserved, preserved for natural and human use. Yet, they sit on millions of unexplored acres. Why? It's too expensive, they whine! They have billions in profits, but it's too expensive to drill in ares that they have had left for years. Spend some money, Big Oil! Make some jobs, Big Oil! Drive down the price of gas, Big Oil! Or ... give up the rights to the land you are not using!
But they don't want that, do they? They want the market to remain up. They make more money and don't put out additional cost or effort.
So, I agree with Mr. Billboard. I believe the terrorists are in cahoots. I believe that they and Big Oil and the Automobile Manufacturers are have conspired to rob us all. If they haven't conspired, Big Oil has certainly taken advantage of this tragedy. They are profiting from 9/11 and from our dead soldiers. That's called Profiteering. It should also be called Treason.
Who is Big Oil? Look to the White House and you will see it's most obvious incarnation.
The Demmykratz wanna hug terrist. Republikanz know that towel heds needs killen.
So... I don't think there's a conspiracy... but I do believe that because Bush and crew are part of Big Oil, that they are not going to do anything to change what's happening.
now, if I can just convence my friends that voting for a Black guy is better than voting for Big Oil.
I would personally like to fire EVERYONE (right down to the secretaries and office clerks) that work in government and hire all new people. The people that are currently running things are corrupt and nothing's going to change so long as they have those jobs. I mean, even the secretaries are corrupt-- they hide things for their bosses and so on... no one is innocent.
Voting for a Black guy ... because they would rather have an old white fart that has admitted he knows nothing about computers or the economy? That it doesn't matter how long we stay in Iraq, even if it's a thousand years?! (These are direct quotes!)
The only way to win an argument with an idiot is to drop to their level. Remind your racist friends that Barrack is only HALF Black. If it makes them feel better - they can just vote for the White half.
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