Monday, July 14, 2008

Jericho: Good Weekend!

Friday night my wife was busy and all my friends had their own lives so I decided to treat myself to something fun. I did dinner out and went to not one but two movies!

I decided to go to Kent Station near my home. I had dinner at Chipotle - which equaled some quick Mexican inspired food. Then off to see The Incredible Hulk. I didn't see the last one - the previews were so bad I didn't feel a need to waste my cash. However, this one was, well, incredible! The effects were seamless. The cast was brilliant. The story, action, acting was all top notch - more than one might expect from "a comic book" movie. And, no real spoilers here, Marvel is doing what they should have done a while back - but it's good they are doing it now. This movie, like Iron Man and the X-Men and Spiderman movies, was a two hour comic book. Better, like Iron Man, they have positioned this movie not only for a sequel, but for crossovers with future movies. (Am I the only one thinking they need to have a Capt. America movie in the works? They mentioned the Super Soldier program!)

I had some time between movies, so I hung around outside. Seattle and local area have a strange weather pattern - it's called "temperate". Seattle weather forecasters have it pretty easy - it's "Partly Cloudy with a chance of Showers" 300 or so days out of the year. We have a brief, warm, summer, then back to the PCwacoS. Well, we are in that Summer stretch right now. When you are used to 50 to 75 degrees, 90 feels damn hot! Friday evening, approaching 10 PM, it was still somewhat light out. The mall was busy, the sky was spotlessly clear and the temp was holding around 75 with a breeze. I was surrounded by people having a good time (with the exception of the Christian Evangelists trying to sell Ja-EEE-us to anyone who would listen.)

After looking around for a while, I started to feel very white and very old. The median age was 18. The median skin tone was mocha-latte. A friend of mine just moved to Downtown Seattle. I tried to get her to look at Kent, arguing she would get more bang for her buck. Her desire was to be around more black people and a higher density of services. I told her she was not going to find that anywhere in the area - she needed to move to the Midwest or even further east. I was wrong - to a degree. Kent and Kent Station isn't exactly the density and funky old neighborhood feeling she was looking for, however, the Kent area (and that night in the mall in particular) definitely had a feeling of diversity. I easily saw 10 ethnic groups represented (probably several others I didn't recognize), several obvious religious affiliations were present, which must of rubbed the Evangelists the wrong way. Certainly not Soho, but not where I grew up either. Very cool.

I lined up to be let into the late show of Hellboy II. It was okay. I wasn't terribly impressed with Hellboy, so Hellboy II wasn't a shocker that it wasn't great. Don't get me wrong, it was a very pretty movie, the effects were spectacular all around. Excellent fight scenes. It just seems like if they had spent a few dollars less on effects and a few more on writers, they would have had a stronger movie. I don't care how good your effects are, if you don't have a story, you don't have a movie. Is it worth your money? If you liked the last one, this is more of the same if not better. There were some great scenes and the effects were impressive. I did like one scene in particular, I don't want to spoil it, let's just say that I needed a beer after seeing it ... :)

Saturday I spent the day with an old friend. We were putting together characters for an upcoming event. For her birthday, she asked for a D&D game, DMed by another friend and attended by a good portion of her friends that love RPGs. I thought that was a great birthday wish! We had a lot of fun, some good Chinese food and lots of laughs. Looking forward to playing this game next Saturday!

Sunday, Steph and I hid from the heat (it was 89 degrees! We just aren't used to this!) We spent the morning at home under the fans and then in the afternoon, we hit the air conditioned theater and saw Get Smart. This movie had a lot of things against it. First, movies based on old teevee shows are always questionable. I don't like Steve Carell for the most part - the guy is just freekin annoying. Mel Brooks, in the last few years, hasn't done as well in the movie sphere as he once did - he's doing better recreating earlier work. However, Mel was only a consultant on the movie and Steve Carell was only over-the-top and not terribly annoying. On top of this, the cast was pretty impressive, the writing was good and the acting was excellent. Result: hilarious romp! I had a great time! I laughed my ass off twice!

This weekend was topped by this morning. While I knew I would be preforming a shit duty at work that I get about once a month and never look forward to - I weighed 499. Yea me!


Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

From what I understand, Marvel is building up to a Avengers movie so we will be seeing more of the "Marvel Universe" in upcoming Marvel movies.

July 14, 2008 2:41 PM  

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