Friday, July 11, 2008

Max: TSA: Abusing You For Your Own Good

Ask The Pilot

"Is this yours?" she wants to know.

"Yes, it's mine."

"You got a knife in here?"

"A knife?"

"A knife," she barks. "Some silverware."

Indeed I do. Indeed I always do. Inside my roll-aboard I carry a spare set of airline-issue cutlery -- a spoon, a fork and a knife. Along with packets of noodles and other small snacks, this is part of my hotel survival kit, useful in the event of short layovers or other situations when food isn't available. Borrowed from my collection of airline silverware (some of us really have such things), it's the exact cutlery that accompanies your meal on a long-haul flight. The pieces are stainless steel, about 5 inches long. The knife has a rounded end and a short row of teeth -- I would call them "serrations," but that's too strong a word. For all intents and purposes, it's a miniature butter knife.


Now, do I really need to point out that an airline pilot at the controls would hardly need a butter knife if he or she desired to inflict damage?


Blogger Laura said...

I guess he could take out the co-pilot and make the plane fly to cancun or something...

July 12, 2008 3:29 AM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

He's the pilot. He's driving the bus. There is no one he needs to take out to do with the plane what he wills.

July 12, 2008 11:29 AM  

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