Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Max: Why Are People Dicks?

I frequent a bass oriented BB called TalkBass. It is an interesting site, full of bass porn. Unfortunately, it is also full of people and as I was recently reminded, people suck.

I asked a technical question about acrylicized wood and how it differed from pressure treated wood. I was briefly excited to see my first reply was from a manufacturer of acrylicized wood. Then I read his reply. If you read only his reply, you might have assumed I had asked, "Why do you make shitty products and when are you planning to stop raping children?" He completely lost his shit because I mentioned pressure treated wood and acrylicized wood in the same sentence. Literally. It didn't matter that I was asking about the difference. It didn't matter that I hadn't even really addressed him in particular, mentioned his name or the name of his bidness. I had defamed his precious product and was now lower than Hitler in his estimation.

Naturally I responded by pointing out that he is clearly insane and that he could feel free to fuck off. But then a friend of his (someone whom I have recently developed more than a little respect for) jumped in and explained that my newfound enemy had problems with trolls making comparisons between his acrylicized wood and pressure treated wood. I figured that he was understandably touchy and explained that I was not trolling, just trying to acquire information. The dickhead replied by twisting my words around, calling me a troll and accusing me of engaging in a one sided pissing contest. Or maybe a pants wetting contest. He wasn't clear on that point.

Shortly thereafter one of the site mods closed the thread. So, for looking for a little bit of info I have made a new enemy, got publicly upbraided for something I clearly didn't even attempt to do and still don't have an answer to my question.

And people wonder why I hate people.


Blogger James Hart said...

Gotta love teh interwebz -_^

... and yes, in general, I feel the same daily. People do indeed suck!

I hope I was able to give a little explanation to the process. My Bee is completely make from Acrylized woods sans the Ash body core... and my fretless 6 string has an Acrylized Birds-eye Maple fingerboard. I feel it's an amazing addition to any bass or guitar.

If you can get past your initial bow beating, a few of the builders that frequent TB buy from him, you don't need to deal direct.

July 15, 2008 6:08 PM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

I couldn't care less about dealing with him directly or indirectly. He is never getting a dollar from me one way or the other. Bee is still on my GAS list, but if I ever manage to afford one it won't have any acrylicized wood on it.

July 15, 2008 6:15 PM  
Blogger James Hart said...

understood... and I don't blame you.

July 15, 2008 6:20 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

That sucks, honey. :( Forums are dangerous sometimes. Everyone assumes the worst about everyone else and shit gets stirred that no one was trying to stir.

The annon. Interweb brings out the worst in people.

July 15, 2008 9:19 PM  
Blogger Jericho Brown said...

I'm not sure who James might be, however, please feel free to come back and reply more often. You are Irate Weirdo Approved!

July 16, 2008 9:11 AM  
Blogger Max Dobberstein said...

He's the dude in that bass vid I posted last week.

July 16, 2008 9:34 AM  

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