Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Max: Cursed

When I started here, it was typical to get 5 or more minutes between calls. 99% of the time, our tools worked. There was time to relax and talk and let off steam.

Lately, there are 5 or more calls in queue at any given time. "Upgrades" break a critical system at least once a month. Our new tools can take 20 minutes or more just to set up; if we can even get the information we need to start setting up. As a result, our departmental numbers are in the toilet and every moment not spent on the phone (peeing, getting drink, whimpering, etc) is noted and held against me.

Why does every job I have have to go to shit? I thought I had it pretty good. For the first few month I had this job I didn't spend Sunday night cursing the end of the weekend. Now I start tensing up on Saturday night, my mind screaming that mere hours stand between me and endless support calls.

Now I am less than two hours into my shift on Tuesday and I am already fried.

And there isn't shit I can do about it.


Blogger Laura said...

You can look for another job, if you want. It can't hurt to look. You obviously couldn't take a pay cut, but maybe you can find something off the phones? Take another certification exam or something?

August 12, 2008 4:58 PM  

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