This is what I love. Real scientists practicing real science, and I count Dawkins among them, are open to new ideas and possibilities. They have to be, the scientific method demands it.
Then you get closed minded ... people. (Sheeple?) It doesn't matter if they are Christians or Republitards or even "scientists" who are not scientists at all. They focus on one view of the world, no matter how twisted or out of touch it might be and that's all they can see. Death to those that oppose them!
"They will know we are Christians by our love" ... right after we run down the atheist with the church van!
We recently had a very young family member remark that she didn't want to be taught science, because they teach that "ridiculous evolution" and she "was not evolved from a monkey". The unfortunate truth, IMHO, is that this is a pretty smart kid being brainwashed by some questionable parenting.
I've heard this idea pop up time and again recently - that the theory of evolution states we are evolved from monkeys. One of Dawkins letter writers states that nothing is evolving now.
Well, for those of you that don't know, my family member is right, she didn't evolve from monkeys and the letter writer is wrong and I can prove it.
Indeed, we didn't evolve from monkeys or chimps or apes - they didn't evolve from us, either. The current theory holds that we have a common ancestor. The theory states that species are replaced by more successful species. If a species is successful, there will be no need to replace it with something better. For example, sharks are an OLD design - just a damn good one. Fossilized shark teeth go WAY back.
You'll notice I keep using the word theory. The one letter writer was right, the theory of evolution has indeed never been proven. If it had been proven, we would consider it a law - the law of gravity is not a theory, it's been proven. We humans have only been around for a short time, we have collected most of the theory of evolution from fossil evidence. Since we were not there, we cannot be 100% certain that these things occurred. New evidence comes along all the time. Some fits the theory, some does not. Some evidence fits into the theory later after more evidence has been discovered. The theory is changeable, because it is not a law - it certainly isn't religious dogma, either.
The theory of evolution will never be proven until we invent time travel. And, thus, because it cannot be proven, closed minded people reject it. Then they turn around and fully accept that some deity created everything in seven days - because CNN was there and filmed that.
For those who are not aware, the above had a bit of sarcasm to it. I leave you to discover it. This is an intelligence test.
As to the question of things currently evolving, this is a simple one to answer. We humans force evolution every day. It's not even a terribly difficult thing to do. We've done it since the dawn of agriculture. It's called selective breeding. Take animals with a desired trait, say, color of fur. Breed them, then only breed the offspring with that color of fur. Eventually, you get an animal that primarily produces offspring with that trait.
Horses, cows, pigs, dogs, etc. have all been bred for certain purposes. German Shepherds wouldn't be a good arm dog, but a Pug would be - neither is found in the wild. Breeding seems to be an effective tool. If we can use breeding to adapt animals to our various needs, from racing to war to pulling loads, why couldn't Mother Nature choose only the traits she wanted?
Say that you buy the Bible at its word. Groovy. Adam and Eve, the first people, had kids. Those kids had kids and those kids had kids and so on. Covered the planet with people. Why don't we all look the same? Why do people in sunnier, warmer clients have darker skin, less body hair and leaner bodies? While people in colder climes have shorter, stouter bodies with paler skin and more body hair? These are adaptations to environment. But if evolution doesn't exist, and God only made two people, why are there differences? Survival of the fittest wouldn't be a factor if evolution didn't exist. Hmmm ...
I want you to think for yourself. Don't do it for me, do it for yourself.
"Theory" has come to be used as a synonym for "hypothesis", leading to the "it's just a theory," nonsense. In science, however, a theory is an established framework for understanding empirical observations. So both gravity and descent through modification - evolution - are theories with about the same amount of empirical proof.
If you doubt, ask your Doctor to stop using any medicine based on that "theory" of evolution and see how long you live. Or at least how long she laughs.
Okay. Different than I remember from high school - but high school was a long ass time ago. You are probably right.
However, help me here. I can prove gravity, I can demonstrate it quite easily. I live with cats, they are a breathing gravity demonstration. Can evolution be as easily proven as pushing a cat off my head?
I just woke up, but the first that comes to mind is the flu virus. If there was no evolution, we could all get immunized against influenza once and have down with it. However, we need a new vaccine pretty much every year because of adaptation. If there was not adaptation in bacilli, we would all just need good ol' fashioned penicillin instead of the wide range of antibiotics available today and we certainly would not be seeing antibiotic resistant bacilli.
Modern medicine in general would not exist where it not for the theory of evolution.
This is what I love. Real scientists practicing real science, and I count Dawkins among them, are open to new ideas and possibilities. They have to be, the scientific method demands it.
Then you get closed minded ... people. (Sheeple?) It doesn't matter if they are Christians or Republitards or even "scientists" who are not scientists at all. They focus on one view of the world, no matter how twisted or out of touch it might be and that's all they can see. Death to those that oppose them!
"They will know we are Christians by our love" ... right after we run down the atheist with the church van!
I wish someone would gut you, you filthy, evil subhuman.
Your Brother In Christ,
We recently had a very young family member remark that she didn't want to be taught science, because they teach that "ridiculous evolution" and she "was not evolved from a monkey". The unfortunate truth, IMHO, is that this is a pretty smart kid being brainwashed by some questionable parenting.
I've heard this idea pop up time and again recently - that the theory of evolution states we are evolved from monkeys. One of Dawkins letter writers states that nothing is evolving now.
Well, for those of you that don't know, my family member is right, she didn't evolve from monkeys and the letter writer is wrong and I can prove it.
Indeed, we didn't evolve from monkeys or chimps or apes - they didn't evolve from us, either. The current theory holds that we have a common ancestor. The theory states that species are replaced by more successful species. If a species is successful, there will be no need to replace it with something better. For example, sharks are an OLD design - just a damn good one. Fossilized shark teeth go WAY back.
You'll notice I keep using the word theory. The one letter writer was right, the theory of evolution has indeed never been proven. If it had been proven, we would consider it a law - the law of gravity is not a theory, it's been proven. We humans have only been around for a short time, we have collected most of the theory of evolution from fossil evidence. Since we were not there, we cannot be 100% certain that these things occurred. New evidence comes along all the time. Some fits the theory, some does not. Some evidence fits into the theory later after more evidence has been discovered. The theory is changeable, because it is not a law - it certainly isn't religious dogma, either.
The theory of evolution will never be proven until we invent time travel. And, thus, because it cannot be proven, closed minded people reject it. Then they turn around and fully accept that some deity created everything in seven days - because CNN was there and filmed that.
For those who are not aware, the above had a bit of sarcasm to it. I leave you to discover it. This is an intelligence test.
As to the question of things currently evolving, this is a simple one to answer. We humans force evolution every day. It's not even a terribly difficult thing to do. We've done it since the dawn of agriculture. It's called selective breeding. Take animals with a desired trait, say, color of fur. Breed them, then only breed the offspring with that color of fur. Eventually, you get an animal that primarily produces offspring with that trait.
Horses, cows, pigs, dogs, etc. have all been bred for certain purposes. German Shepherds wouldn't be a good arm dog, but a Pug would be - neither is found in the wild. Breeding seems to be an effective tool. If we can use breeding to adapt animals to our various needs, from racing to war to pulling loads, why couldn't Mother Nature choose only the traits she wanted?
Say that you buy the Bible at its word. Groovy. Adam and Eve, the first people, had kids. Those kids had kids and those kids had kids and so on. Covered the planet with people. Why don't we all look the same? Why do people in sunnier, warmer clients have darker skin, less body hair and leaner bodies? While people in colder climes have shorter, stouter bodies with paler skin and more body hair? These are adaptations to environment. But if evolution doesn't exist, and God only made two people, why are there differences? Survival of the fittest wouldn't be a factor if evolution didn't exist. Hmmm ...
I want you to think for yourself. Don't do it for me, do it for yourself.
Now I have to call you out.
"Theory" has come to be used as a synonym for "hypothesis", leading to the "it's just a theory," nonsense. In science, however, a theory is an established framework for understanding empirical observations. So both gravity and descent through modification - evolution - are theories with about the same amount of empirical proof.
If you doubt, ask your Doctor to stop using any medicine based on that "theory" of evolution and see how long you live. Or at least how long she laughs.
Okay. Different than I remember from high school - but high school was a long ass time ago. You are probably right.
However, help me here. I can prove gravity, I can demonstrate it quite easily. I live with cats, they are a breathing gravity demonstration. Can evolution be as easily proven as pushing a cat off my head?
I just woke up, but the first that comes to mind is the flu virus. If there was no evolution, we could all get immunized against influenza once and have down with it. However, we need a new vaccine pretty much every year because of adaptation. If there was not adaptation in bacilli, we would all just need good ol' fashioned penicillin instead of the wide range of antibiotics available today and we certainly would not be seeing antibiotic resistant bacilli.
Modern medicine in general would not exist where it not for the theory of evolution.
Good example! Excellent. Thank you.
As the Sniper's Guild motto says, "We're pleased to aim."
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