Sunday, September 21, 2008

Max: Does No One Understand What Happened This Week

After years of decrying the very idea of socialism and "transfer of wealth", our country has nationalized vast areas of the economy and will soon be transferring trillions of dollars of wealth from average Americans to the already wealthy robber barons who just trashed the economy.

The very idea of guaranteeing health care to every American was decried as too expensive. Assuming the government did not negotiate lower prices and continued to pay the $5000 a year the average US citizen spends per year, it would cost about $1,515,000,000,000 per year to guarantee health care. Next week, at the very least we will be spending $700,000,000,000 to bail out Wall Street. For those of you dumbfounded by all those zeros, 700,000,000,000 is slightly less than half of 1,515,000,000,000. We can't afford to guarantee health care for you and me, but we have plenty of money to guarantee wealth care to the nation's elite.

Meanwhile, there are people seriously considering continuing this insanity by voting for McCain because they aren't so sure they can handle the idea of a black President.

And to think, I have doubts about my mental health.


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