Friday, September 05, 2008

Max: Police Decide It's Okay To Invade Your Home and Kill Your Pets

The Prince George's County Sheriff's Office has concluded in an internal review that its deputies were justified when they shot and killed two dogs belonging to the mayor of Berwyn Heights during a July drug raid, Sheriff Michael Jackson said yesterday.

If they feel okay doing this to the Mayor, do you think they give a fuck about your rights?

Laura, don't read the next paragraph.

Jackson released the results of the review in response to a scientific examination of the dogs' carcasses by a veterinarian with the Maryland Department of Agriculture at the request of Mayor Cheye Calvo. The necropsy concluded one dog was shot four times and the other twice, including once in the dog's back legs.

That is one tricky dog, attacking in such a way that the bullets hit it in the back legs rather than anything that would normally, actually be in the way of a bullet if it were attacking.

Oh, and by the way, the Police are perfectly okay with their actions that night despite:

1. No one in the house had actually committed any crimes

Police cleared Calvo and Tomsic of wrongdoing, saying they were victims of a drug smuggling scheme in which drug-filled packages addressed to unsuspecting recipients were intercepted by a FedEx deliveryman.

2. They used a fucking SWAT to go after a package of FUCKING POT!!!!

A sheriff's department SWAT team and county police narcotics officers burst into the mayor's home July 29 after police intercepted a 32-pound package of marijuana addressed to Trinity Tomsic, Calvo's wife.

3. Had they executed the warrant properly, they would not have knocked down the door and started shooting. Despite what you see on TV, a warrant does not give cops the right to batter down your door and start shooting, for that they need a "no knock" warrant

Calvo said he hopes an FBI investigation into the raid will examine other issues, including why officers did not know they were raiding the home of a mayor and why Prince George's police said at first that they had been given a "no knock" warrant to enter the home without announcing their presence but then said they had not.

But these criminals will get off scott-fucking-free because they committed their crimes wearing police uniforms while fighting the "drug war". And we all know, when it comes to the drug war, it's better to brutalize innocents than to risk making it too easy for Crunchy P. Granola to get high.

I am so FUCKING PISSED OFF right now.

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Blogger Laura said...

I read it anyway... your title kinda gave away what happened. It's fucked up. If I could think of a word harsher than "fucked", I'd use it.

September 05, 2008 6:24 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

My only consolation is that those assholes that shot the dogs will go to Hell and suffer for being evil fucking bastards. Though, I wish they would suffer now on Earth so I can witness it.

September 05, 2008 6:25 PM  

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